Nana Holds from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
I closed Tuesday’s time with a statement that may have sounded a bit sadistic to some of you, so please let me clarify: God uses our pain to bring beauty that not only transforms us but transcends our human understanding. I in no way mean to imply that our God is sadistic either. No, I happen to know from life’s experiences that He desires only His best for us and He will stop at nothing to bring it about. Grab your coffee and come on in.
So January is gone and February is upon us. Bryden’s birthday becomes a common ground for us both to stand upon and plan together, something to look forward to. In addition to his birthday, we and our team are preparing for our next CPM event, “Revival for Relationships.” It’s almost comical, even as I write this for you, that the person He was aiming at speaking to the most was probably me!
By this time, I am finally using a few of the powerful tools Steve and I discuss on Blog Talk Radio in order to break free from my own relationship infection, aka, co-dependency. The revelations before this event are coming at me pretty rapidly and I am having trouble processing them. But one thing I am definitely doing is taking my focus off of my honey and keeping it on my own heart surgery He is performing on me so He can work through me.
Hints of not letting others’ behavior control mine are breaking through the cloud of co-dependency, ever so slowly, casting light where there has been confusion for all these years.
Life continues to happen on life’s terms and God stirs the gift of compassion in me again as I recognize symptoms in
Bryden of yet another bout of Strep throat. It seemed like only yesterday that we had taken him to urgent care not once but twice within 30 days. Now, just three weeks later and three doses of antibiotics he was sick again. This time we caught it sooner! But this time he also had an ear infection. I knew he wasn’t feeling good, but you talk about a little trooper!
I was able to love him, comfort him through his cranky moments with an ease I had never experienced until now. My emotional healing contributed to his physical healing. It wouldn’t have been possible had I not let Him reveal and cut away things of the past, making it possible to comfort this amazing little boy when he was sick all while I fought a sinus infection that was spiraling out of control! The only explanation is Christ in me!
Join me tomorrow for more
- Nana Holds!
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