Nana Holds from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
Thanks so much for joining me today for your coffee break. We are on the last symptom of this relationship infection and I’m super excited because that means we will be moving on in this series and soon, we will be caught up, almost to the end of this series, for all things do come to an end and this season of Nana Holds looks as though it will have an ending! Grab your coffee and come on in.
Do you struggle with indecisiveness and have a hard time making up your mind? And I’m not talking about deciding on where to eat or something as simple as that.
I can hear you saying what in the world does indecisiveness have to do with this relationship infection, co-dependency? Well, let me see if I can simplify this with some things I’ve learned from our How We Love trench class combined with this simple definition of co-dependency: “Codependence is the pain in adulthood that comes from being wounded in childhood, which leads to a high probability of relationship problems and addictive disorders in later life.” (The Bridge) The indecisiveness could very well be as a result of our emotional reservoir that begins in and with our childhood and which when it fills up causes us to become people pleasers, or to avoid conflict and/or making decisions, or to vacillate in our emotions so we can’t connect let alone make a decision, or become victims in relationships having no voice that is heard but is witnessed in actions and inactions.
See, each of us has an emotional reservoir, and every relationship adds to our reservoirs which spills into our next relationship and the next, and the next. Oh, how I pray that makes sense to you. I don’t mean to get philosophically deep and drown you, or me, it’s just that these revelations are truly helping me to maneuver more freely, even in the toughest of my relationships.
For me, as of the time of our event in February, I didn’t consider myself indecisive at all anymore, but taking it one step further, I did realize that while I may be coming out of my relationship infection, some of those whom I am in relationship with are still deeply infected and I must not aid in their indecisiveness by dominating in any way but encourage them to find their voice.
God in His infinite sovereignty and wisdom brought Bryden to me rid me of the rest of my symptoms of this infection.
Now, months later from that event, I can say I am truly practicing all that I can remember from all that I have learned in my relationship with this little guy and the joy and peace I have now when I am with him encourages me forward in this journey as I learn to be asymptomatic in and with my other relationships.
Join me Wednesday as we fast-forward to the moments after the event and the celebration of Bryden’s third birthday! Don’t forget to tune in with us on Blog Talk Radio for more in depth discussion on breaking free from this relationship infection and tools for healthy relationships. The show begins at 1:00 Pacific time but if you can’t join us then, no worries; just click on the link when you can and you can listen at your convenience. www.BlogTalk
Blessings from above,
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