Less Is More!
Proverbs 17:27
Happy day to you! Thanks for coming back for the conclusion to April’s Words of Wisdom and Weapons of Warfare. I am learning more and more the value of fighting spiritual battles with spiritual weapons! Grab your coffee and come on in for a bit.
So we left off with the truth that knowledge – which is an understanding that comes from reflection and experience – helps us speak more by speaking less and Jesus was the epitome of this example. I’m still weeping tears of joy at how He wrote this through me for such a time as this. Now let’s move on to the second part: “. . . and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.”
Wow, this is like refreshing water for my thirsty soul! I used to wonder what a “calm spirit” looked like, let alone if I would ever have a calm spirit! Oh, Coffee Hour friend, there is such truth in this little nugget here, that "understanding is of a calm spirit." When we are running around, chasing our tails – emotionally and/or physically – that is confusion, not understanding!
Understanding is one of the most quietly powerful weapons of warfare. I know because I have experienced this very truth just recently, and because of all He’s given me to understand, especially through writing the Transform curriculum, I was armed with understanding as I went into what turned out to be a lions’ den; that’s right, lions, plural!
I’ll spare the unnecessary details and just say that I was given the opportunity to remain the most objective person in a situation that turned into a confrontation and an all-out fight between four people. It was one of the ugliest things I had witnessed in quite some time as I watched the enemy get his foot in each of the doors of their hearts. I watched the possibility of immediate resolution fly away higher than a helium balloon let loose by a child. It was almost as if I was watching from a different angle, almost as if I weren’t there.
I’m not trying to freak you out and act like I was a ghost in the process; oh, no, for they each knew I was there and furthermore, He used me to speak just a few words to each of them, including asking the “pastor” who became part of the problem a simple question that was about ten words! For each person involved, I understood where they were coming from, their behavior as well as their point of view and they all had this one thing in common: their flesh/pride.
It filled my heart with sorrow that they couldn’t see it; that I could but they couldn’t. Please don’t misunderstand my understanding for any kind of pride – I constantly stand guard against that monkey to keep it off my back – but I experienced this Godly sorrow that each of them had been deceived into adding to the problem instead of becoming part of the solution.
But the calm spirit was the gift He gave me to reward me for my digging for understanding and now I’m left to pray that one day, they would be granted not necessarily my understanding but their own given to them by the Father of a calm spirit, the Author of Understanding . . .
Oh, I’m so thankful for the gift of grace that grants us understanding despite us! I pray that He would grant you a knowledge that allows you to speak less while offering more, and rewards you with a calm spirit!
In His love,
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