Wednesday, June 25th was the day of our Fundraising event for Sarah Amento. Up to the date of the event I wasn’t sleeping much since my nerves were on edge…all the last minute things were really beginning to add up. I hadn’t had a chance to take care of all the loose ends going into the event and I remember getting on my knees, days before the event, and just praying. I prayed that God would provide a way to bring everything together and that we would have the ability to raise as much money as possible for this family.
As I sat in that pew at the River Church, Kim elaborated on the importance of trusting in God one day at a time. God truly does supply all of our needs and uses us as vessels to complete his work. I was so moved as Kim talked that I could feel myself getting choked up as I remembered how perfectly everything came together that day for Sarah.
As our whole team prepared for the event on Wednesday, I remember running around like a chicken with it’s head cut-off. But all the loose ends came together (as usual) and as our vendors showed up, I looked around and just stopped. I gave thanks for God’s provision and his ability to ALWAYS come through. Later that night, during the raffle, I had the blessed opportunity to thank everyone who came out for the event. It was truly amazing to see the community come together for such an honorable cause.
Later that evening, after the event had ended, I hopped on the laptop and I had a message from Sarah in my In-box. She was sincerely grateful for all that we had done, but little did she know that this event had impacted me in a way that I had never imagined. I told her that out of the sixteen years that my dad had been gone, I had never felt this close to him. Sarah’s strength in taking on this disease head to head reminded be of my Father’s strength; Sarah fights to stay alive for her five children as my father fought to stay alive for us.
After I left Thriving in Love and Life I stopped by my Father’s gravesite and told him of what God was able to accomplish through us for Sarah. I told him that I had been so scared and fearful as I took on this project, but God provided. It was at that moment in time that I received confirmation- The joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
Trust does produce Faith and God will become our every need. Never forget this. We can be His hands and feet as we step outside of our comfort zone and take on the world. He will sustain us! God Bless You!
In His Love,
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