Happy July to you! Another month gone by! Whew, my head’s spinning with the flying by of time. :) Thanks for taking time out of your day to come have coffee with me at Chicklit Power. Grab whatever you’re drinking, and come on in for some joy.
We left off looking at the first definition in the Hebrew Concordance before taking that detour which showed us that “joy” actually makes its first appearance in Genesis! Then it shows up again in Deuteronomy. Let’s get to the second description/definition for what we long for, joy: “usually a representation of the abstract feeling or concept”!
Well, feelings are within, right? But is joy merely an “abstract feeling or concept”? Let’s look at Deuteronomy 28:47: “Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything”… Wow, I don’t know about you, but I definitely want to know more about this one!
In addition to being an abstract feeling or concept of joy, the Hebrew Concordance says “In another technical use this noun signifies the entire activity of making a feast before God: And all the people went their way to eat and to drink and to send portions and to make great mirth [literally]; to make a great rejoicing.”
Hmm, let’s chew on that a moment!
Do you notice that this type of “joy” moves them to action? In this case, it was to prepare a feast “before God” and then they “went their way …” and they sent portions and made a great rejoicing.
So this joy spurs us into action and inspires us to give, to share with others. Joy stirs up compassion for others. Joy causes us to rejoice. You cannot rejoice without joy!
I keep hearing a question: Each of us has a measure of faith that is exercised, stretched and perfected as we walk with God, abide in Him, but where does joy come from? Is it always within us and just needs a big stirring in order to bring some to the surface of our hearts and minds, or is it a gift we get only once in a while or is it something planted deep within when we accept Christ as our Savior?
Have you ever wondered any of these things or is it just me? Have you ever felt as though you were in the midst of a desert and there was no joy to be found? I call those seasons “dry bones!”
I’d love to hear your thoughts and these are some questions that we will answer in the balance of this series! I can’t wait to understand this subject of joy that I might grasp it with my whole heart!
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