Monday’s Manna from Castro’s Corner @ Chicklit Power
Happy Monday Manna,
If you tuned in last week, I gave a brief update on Duke’s status. This little guy has an international prayer chain that is literally off the hook; it’s incredible to see how one little human being can bring so many people together. As God continues to answer our prayers, we are reminded of how much he loves us. He has big plans in store for this little guy and even though we may not have the capacity to understand why little ones must suffer from ailment and illness, we know that our sovereign Lord and King is with us throughout the storms of life.
Storms come in all shapes and sizes and that cliché saying “When it rains it pours” is sometimes the truth when the largest storm in our life is coupled with torrential downpours. How do we anchor ourselves onto Jesus through these storms? What if we find out our life jacket fits a few sizes too large when the storm arrives? If we want to remain spiritually buoyant, we MUST fully and completely put our Faith in Christ Jesus.
Remember Peter? “So He said ‘Come.’ And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, ‘Lord, save me!”’ [Matthew 14:30]
I can’t wait to meet Peter in heaven. I picture him as a large framed fisherman, with meat hooks for hands and a grizzly Adam’s beard. How could Peter doubt Jesus’ ability to calm the ocean? This is the same Jesus that Peter had seen heal paralytics and demon-possessed men.
Each and every one of us can relate to Peter in that we are often driven by our own internal doubts in God’s ability to calm the storm. Our anchor lies in Christ Jesus. As Peter was sinking in the ocean, Jesus reached out His hand and lifted him out of the waves caused by the storm.
What does conventional wisdom, or the world, offer to us for preventative measures taken for life’s storms? The world teaches us to pack a life jacket, because we are self-sufficient, we are independent, and we are the only one who can save ourselves. The storm hits and then we place on our life jacket, but to our surprise, our life jacket doesn’t fit…you must have grabbed the wrong one! So much for self-sufficiency and proper preparation; we have failed.
The storms of life facilitate spiritual growth for us, as long as we place our Faith in Christ Jesus and anchor onto him. Throw that life jacket away, because who knows if it will fit right anyway. Place your faith in the one who loves you more than you will ever know. We often sink, just like Peter, but we never become submerged by the waves of life’s storms.
Have a blessed week and hopefully you feel readily equipped to go through the storms with Christ Jesus. God Bless!
In His Love,
Garrett Castro
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