For the most part, every morning I go for a walk. Generally it’s about a mile and I’m stretching myself by increasing my distance. Where I live it can be a bit challenging as a good portion of Yucaipa is up-hill and no sidewalks. So in my efforts to walk on level ground, it can be interesting, to say the least.
Usually when I walk I’m good about watching where I step as not to fall or twist my ankle. And I’m pretty good at looking down while I'm walking just so I can see the uneven ground or any holes. However, there have been a few incidences where I have found myself planted on the ground, and in hopes that no one saw me. Yes, how vain and prideful was that…what IF…. I really needed someone to help me....good point! So I confess my pride, jump up and move along!! I walk the same route every day; one would think that I would remember.
In describing my walk briefly, I’d like to share a thought on a similar analogy, except it’s about spiritual walking. I’m going to compare it to temptation that presents itself to us. Like the hole…we see it… we know it…. we recognize it… yet we continue to walk right into it. When we see temptation (the enemy is called the tempter) we need to ask ourselves, “How can I avoid this?”
When Jesus came out of His 40 days in the wilderness, Matthew 4:1-11 tells us the enemy tempted Him three times. It is important to understand that Jesus was NOT tempted to sin - as in wanting to sin. James 1:13 tells us, “God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone”. We have also heard the phrase coined “the temptation of Christ” for so long, that we liken it to our own “feeling tempted”. Christ’s temptation was an outward exposure to Satan’s ploys. Jesus remained sinless, the perfect sacrifice, able to take on the sin of mankind and sometimes we need to be reminded of that truth!
None of us are perfect by any means and at times, we can walk on uneven ground. We may even have cracks in our sidewalks, so to speak, yet if He is our sure foundation and we’re unswerving in Him, then we are assured that when we fall short of our temptation, He will make a way of escape. This is why we must always be on the lookout for holes in the sidewalk—deceptions that would lure us into sin. Tweet This!
The Word of God tells us clearly: No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 1st Cor. 10:13
God has promised and provided a way out. He will always, and at all times provide another street for us to walk down. If you know the hole or crack is there, don’t go down the same path and fall in the same hole. Instead, trust in Him and go another way.
How can I go another way, you may be asking? Find someone you can be accountable to; we call it the “Buddy System,” perhaps a trusted friend...a Pastor, etcetera.
So what are the holes in your sidewalk? Let me encourage you to take that question to God through prayer, and ask Him to show you if you’re walking towards a hole, to remind you that He has promised you a way out! That’s His guarantee from Him to you and me.
It may be He’s requiring you to walk down a whole new street and that in itself can be intimidating and uncomfortable… have faith in the new direction HE is leading you towards. The more you walk, the more you overcome! Remember, you have choices to either fall in the holes or sidestep any further occurrences.
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1st John 5:4.
Thanks for stopping by today’s “Faith Filled Friday” and be reinvigorated as you begin to take a new walk…. down a new street?
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