The dictionary definition(s) for the word change are: “to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history.”
That last definition literally screams the loudest to me, especially in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling which will forever change history as it relates to marriage and family…not a change I can or ever will embrace, nor do I wish to blog on this subject. Romans 12:18 tells us that we are, as much as is possible, live peaceably with everyone…including those we disagree with who are trying to change the God-created definition of marriage and family! There are just some things we can’t change when a change that we disagree with touches our lives in profound ways. So what is it we do? Do we crouch down and submit? How is it we can “embrace” this decision which will surely bring waves of change?
The only answer I hear whispering in the hallway of my hurting heart is: Put our eyes on the Healer, not the stealer…and let’s take the gavel out of our hands, quit pointing fingers and instead invest that energy into prayer! We ultimately know who wins in the long run.
Coffee Hour friend, friends of CPM and Trench Classes United, please accept this invitation from my heart to yours and join us for a concert, brunch and a workshop too…
Changing toward heaven…
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