Monday, February 29, 2016

Jenn’s Journey

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Happy Monday! So happy you could join me on this beautiful day.  Do you accept gifts or help easily? Or is it hard for you to do so? Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let's talk about this for a minute.

 Recently a couple different friends asked me if I could do something to help them out in a pinch. I was happy to do so. Both of them thanked me and then said, "I owe you." I replied to each of them that I wouldn't take a thing for my help.

I wonder…why do we feel we must pay back for a favor, or for a gift? I've had this question rumbling in my head for quite awhile. I struggle with this myself. It seems so hard to just accept what is given.

In my experience, it's hard to admit I need help. I like to get things done myself. It probably goes back to perfectionism, the sneaky character trait that likes to appear as having it all together. There may even be the sense of why would someone do for me with no strings attached? Or, do I do things expecting something back?

There is society's pressure to appear strong and pull yourself up by your boot straps. A lot of religions seem to have an underlying theme that what we do is what gets us accepted by God. "Nothing is free" is what we hear on many fronts.

Yet, this is not how God operates. He freely gives us His love, and His gift of eternal life…no strings attached! We don't owe Him anything. In fact, there's nothing we could do to earn it! How does this make you feel? If you're like me, you might have to process the thought!
I am lucky to have friends who I can ask for help; they will give it without expecting in return. I know that I am that type of friend to them. When we practice this, God's character is shown through us. What a beautiful thing.

Until next week, be blessed,


Friday, February 26, 2016

Freedom Fridays

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
True change comes from surrender

Welcome to our Freedom Fridays, a blog that speaks freely about becoming more like our Father, and all that it takes to get there! Grab your coffee and your Strand of Faith and join us for Jennifer’s thoughts and revelations because of one word: Surrender!
True change comes from surrender: Sounds counterproductive, right? 

 Change is active. By definition it is “the act or instance of making or becoming different.”  So, how can we have real, true change from surrender?   To surrender is defined as to give up control of something or to give something up to another.  Usually we seek change in our own misguided and distorted terms.  Only God can bring change into our lives, usually through glorious small victories.
One of the definitions of surrender I came across was “to surrender in spirituality and religion means that a believer completely gives up his own will and subjects his thoughts, ideas, and deeds to the will and teachings of a higher power” (Wikipedia).  I disagree with this definition. 

If you study the scriptures, you are not “giving something up,” rather there is an exchanging of your will for His.  He gives beauty for ashes, peace for pain, and joy for sorrow.  If we feel like we are being forced, then we will instinctively reject the idea. 

So our action is really an in-action: to give up our control. Let go. Step back. Empty self!
He doesn’t ask us to surrender in our strength, or by the power of our will.  When we let go and allow Him to work in us, to change us, it is everlasting.  It is freedom.

Look at Hannah (1 Sam. 1:10).  She surrendered herself and her son.  In Proverbs 3:5-6, Solomon states “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” The writer of Psalm 73 shows us that, “we lift our gaze to Christ who leads us in godly change.”

What do you need to surrender?  What ideas or feelings are you holding on to?
Give in…let go…surrender all

“Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you can.” [Dwight L. Moody]


File Dec 26, 5 59 35 AMJennifer

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday’s Word

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
EL pen Logo with heart
Combat for Conflict

Ephesians 4:29: Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United! It’s Wednesday’s Word and I truly hope that what we talk about will penetrate down to the very core of your heart and soul, taking root in each and every chamber of your heart and blooming right when you need it the most…in times of conflict! Grab your coffee and your strand of faith and let’s go tie some knots in our faith.

Have you ever heard something from someone, maybe while sitting in church, or in some group setting and had a ah-ha moment, or even in your own study time, and then in the days immediately following, had an opportunity to put it into practice, or at least it came back to the surface of your soul and sat there waiting…and waiting? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can be really hard-headed so it takes a few of those before I realize He’s obviously trying to teach me something and so I sometimes have to drag myself into the lesson, and other times, well, He just picks me up and plops me right in it!

Last week in our Living Fearlessly class, we were talking about conflict, and many shared the reasons for their fear of facing it and dealing with it. Conflict has been given such a bad name, huh?  For many of us, conflict has received its bad name because of how we’ve seen it handled, or not, growing up; that in and of itself produced a lot of unhealthy relational habits. 

Men shared how they were afraid to approach their wives/girlfriends because of their sensitivity and not receiving what they had to say in the right way – albeit what they throw at us at times may be thrown in the wrong way it still is not permission for us to misappropriate conflict and take it to an even higher level.

How is it that you show up for conflict? Are you combative or do you run the other way?
Well, this past week I have had so much conflict development – I was going to say practice, but it has been more like real-time! These opportunities have been like fiery darts trying to hit a bulls-eye aiming straight for the heart, and yet, when I stop and reflect each one of them have been opportunities to strengthen my character! What’s crazy is each of them involved the most important areas of my life: my love life, my ministry life and my professional life! The area that I was attacked the hardest this past week was my professional life wherein my character was literally attacked in such a venomous way, I had to step way back before moving forward to respond.

Ephesians 4:29 was what I used in this combat to be non-combative! It’s like this verse is now etched in my heart in such a way that it has come to the forefront of my mind each and every time and it works like a brake, stopping me from saying anything that will tear anyone down, lifting me up and away from my flesh and need to get even, or hurt the one who has hurt me. The best way to show up for combat is to be armed with scripture!

I guess I’m sharing this all to say that scripture is so powerful to memorize to use as a tool, not a weapon, in the journey of life which is full of conflicts, aka opportunities to develop character. See, most people shy away from it because of the fear of it, the pain of it; I say that painful experiences allow the Spirit to infuse beauty into our souls!

Find a scripture that speaks to your heart about conflict, pack it away in your mind that it may be etched upon your heart and rise to the surface to combat any conflict!

IMG_8444-2 blogEvinda

Monday, February 22, 2016

Jenn’s Journey

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Happy Monday! A new week has begun. I hope you're rested and ready to tackle whatever comes your way! Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and join me for a few minutes.

"Once upon a time there were two travelers. Each of them had traveled alone for quite awhile…sometimes alone, other times in the company of others. Both travelers carried heavy loads on their backs, stopping now and again to put them down for a rest. As fate would have it, their paths crossed one day.

“At first, it was simply wonderful to have companionship on the road. The journey seemed less arduous. Now, upon resting, there was someone to talk to. As time went on, they began to share what was in the packs.  The rocks in the packs had been picked up over many years...some of them were large and quite heavy. From time to time, they would encourage each other to throw out a rock or two. It felt great to be rid of excess weight, and to realize it was not necessary to keep lugging it along. From time to time, they took turns carrying both loads to give the other a rest.

“One day, the road became very rocky. Now it was necessary to step carefully to avoid tripping.  Suddenly, the conversation became about how difficult the journey had become. Laughter happened less often. It seemed that each was always pointing out how bowed over the other was under the heavy pack. Once in awhile, they added rocks to the other person's bag. As if that wasn't bad enough, they'd catch each other picking up new rocks to add to their own bag."

 Burdens. We all have them. Do we hold onto them unnecessarily? Do we share them with one another without adding more? Is it easier to look at what's holding us back then to just move forward?

Until next week, be blessed,


Friday, February 19, 2016

Freedom Fridays

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Welcome to Freedom Fridays & Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United! Grab your coffee and come on in for some heart-to heart sharing from Jennifer, to you and me!


As part of my freedom journey I have learned to accept my imperfections.  I was raised to be a perfectionist and the fear of failure has always been a trap for me.  A year ago I learned that failure is an option.  The first time I heard that I wanted to scream “excuse me?! Failure is never an option!”  I’ve since learned that it is an option because I am imperfect; we all are.

The prophet Isaiah knew a lot about failure.  In Chapter 5 he proclaims his visons and the judgement of God for what the Israelites were doing.   The imaginary is quite gruesome.  In Chapter 6 he sees the holiness of God and becomes aware of his own imperfections.  I can so relate to what he must have felt, maybe you can too. One thing’s for sure: It’s quite startling when you see yourself in a different way; wouldn’t you agree? 

How can this be freeing, you might ask.  It is the absolute definition of freedom for me because for once I don’t have to be right, know everything, or be everything.  I can be me and allow the Holy Spirit to unpack for me what I am in Christ.  The realization released me from self-doubt and the paralyzing fear that comes from doubting everything that I did.  The weight of that burden was gone!

Don’t get me wrong; we are all held accountable for our mistakes and wrongdoings but the freedom has come in realizing and accepting this truth: I don’t have to live there! I don’t have to live there. I can move on and forgive myself…love myself as He loves me!

How do you see yourself?  Do you see flaws that you wish were perfect?  Do you hate your reflection because you don’t like who you see?  Accept that you are not perfect and ask Him to show you who you really are.  For me I had to learn to accept His love because I didn’t think I deserved it because I wasn’t perfect enough.  I am enough; you are enough!   

In the freedom journey,
File Dec 26, 5 59 35 AMJennifer

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Do you find yourself let down by others…more and more? Join us to learn how to live fueled by hope and learn healthy expectations for any relationship! Class begins May 5! It will be here before you know it. Reserve your spot today!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday’s Word

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
EL pen Logo with heartYour Heart can Beat against You!

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?

Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word at Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power. Grab your coffee and your strand of faith. Trust me when I say that this Word definitely tied a knot in my faith…and in my heart!

A couple of weeks ago, it was crunch time; everything was coming at me at once, just like every other time right before jumping into the trenches with others to get better at life and love. This time was different, though. My heart was heavy, and had been for a few weeks. It wasn’t until the day of class, just hours before it was supposed to start, that I realized why. One by one all of the silent questions I had been asking myself over the preceding weeks began to surface, questions that planted seeds in my heart: “Why is this so hard?” “If this was really of/from God, surely I wouldn’t be this stressed out so maybe – well more than maybe -- I’m on the wrong path.” “Maybe I made this whole crazy journey up. Maybe I’m supposed to just go back to working as a court reporter and forget this whole ministry thing.

Before long, I was convinced of all the lies I filled my heart, and it didn’t take time until my heart had convinced me they were true…and I began to “feel” these truths! What an incredibly sneaky process. The heart really can beat against you!

I did drop to my knees before class, asking Him to help me, to get me thru this first night, to reveal HIS heart to me, entwine His heart with mine so I could test if all I was “feeling” was accurate…or not. I surrendered all the questions and showed up for class, despite all the lies I had bought into and not wanting to or feeling like it, and let me tell you, so did HE…show up that is!

We had 43 registered and five walk-ins! It was amazing, encouraging and a great way to give the enemy a sucker punch!

It wasn’t until sitting in church the Sunday after that I got sucker-punched with this verse, a verse I had always questioned, and not fully understood. How could the heart be wicked? Isn’t that where love resides? I just love how He ministers to us just the way we need it, when we need it for the reasons we need it!

See, the heart only knows what we tell it so therefore, if we buy some lies and deposit them in there, the heart will take them, just like a thief, and deposit them into our emotional being and rob us of so much…so very much.

Are you catching what I’m throwing? Oh, let me tell you, my heart was definitely depositing every last one of those stinking-thinking thoughts and questions and dropping them in there like a swooshed-in basket ball, nice and heavy they dropped right in!  Before I realized what happened, my heart had taken those lies to the bank, and robbed me of all my joy and confidence in my calling.

What sort of lies is your heart trying to get you to buy? Oh, that we wouldn’t even lend an ear to things that are not of Him, and not be fooled by the robber who waits to steal our joy and derail us from our calling. Instead, may we be a people that drop to their knees and give up those lies up!

With my heart cleaned…
IMG_8444-2 blogEvinda

Monday, February 15, 2016

Jenn’s Journey

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Good morning! Thank you for being here with me this morning. Have a cup of coffee or tea and join me in some of my reflections.

Last weekend, my daughter and I took a mini vacation. We went to see family that happens to live in the Eastern Sierras.

This year there is finally some snow on those beautiful mountains. A weekend away was just what the doctor ordered.

The plan was to go sledding with the cousins. My daughter could not wait to play in the snow. She's done it before but she was so little she doesn't remember. The spot we picked to do this at was a little valley with huge stony mountains surrounding us. The snow turned out to be kind of wet, so after a couple of rides down the hill, the kids turned to playing in the snow. My girl decided she was going to climb a hill, deeming it a mountain, and off she went. I've never seen her withblog pic quite as much determination as she had! When she was halfway up, she turned and called to me, "Mom, do you want to come with me on the adventure?"
The plan was to go sledding with the cousins. My daughter could not wait to play in the snow. She's done it before but she was so little she doesn't remember. The spot we picked to do this at was a little valley with huge stony mountains surrounding us. The snow turned out to be kind of wet, so after a couple of rides down the hill, the kids turned to playing in the snow. My girl decided she was going to climb a hill, deeming it a mountain, and off she went. I've never seen her with quite as much determination as she had! When she was halfway up, she turned and called to me, "Mom, do you want to come with me on the adventure?"
Of course, I wanted to join her! So up I went. I must say it didn't feel so easy even though it was not that big of a hill. At the top, we stood there and looked down into the small valley filled with snow and rocks. It made me think.I've been in a valley recently. Like that valley it is filled with and surrounded by stones. Some of these stones are getting in my way. They block my path and the hill seems insurmountable. At times, I don't even want to start the trek. I look up, and see the light shining over the top. Somewhere inside of me, there is the call, "Do you want to go on an adventure?" One foot in front of the other and up I go. Surprisingly, some of those formidable stones give me a foothold on the side of the hill.

I'm not out of the valley yet. I've yet to see the view from the top. What counts is the determination to get there. I look towards the light and keep on climbing. Perhaps you are in a valley too. My challenge to you is, keep looking up…keep moving towards the light.

"Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain." Isaiah 40:4

Until next week, be blessed.


Friday, February 12, 2016

Freedom Fridays

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Oh, it’s a great day to walk in freedom! Welcome to our Freedom Fridays, a great way to fill that tool-bag with tools to walk in freedom in all areas of life! Grab your coffee and a journal, and your Strand of Faith and let’s go see what Jennifer’s prepared for us today.


Nourish means to provide (someone or something) things that are needed to live, be healthy, to develop or grow stronger.  Often we equate this with food and drink, but I believe that we are to nourish one another.  In a relationship it means to be supportive, encouraging and affirming.  1 Thessalonians 5:11 and Hebrews 3:13 tell us that we are to build each other up every day. 

There are many people in the Bible that nourished and encouraged others.  Moses (Duet. 3:28), Titus (1 Cor. 7:4),Tychicus (Eph. 6:21-22), Judas and Silas (Acts 15:32), Timothy (1 Thess. 3:2) to name a few.

What does it do for us?  Why is it important?
With all of these amazing reasons, why is it so easy to criticize and tear down?  There are many reasons that come from “woundedness” and bad definitions in our life.  When we don’t love and value ourselves, it is hard to love and value others.  Oftentimes the root of this is because we were never taught how to be encouragers. 

Coffee Hour was designed to encourage you and uplift you on your journey.  We appreciate your time and prayers for this ministry as we encourage others through our blogging.  My freedom challenge for this week is to think of three people you would like to encourage.  Choose one of them to encourage weekly over the next three months.  Then sit back and watch them grow. 

“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love” (Col. 2:2)

Encouraging you in your journey…

File Dec 26, 5 59 35 AMJennifer

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday’s Word

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
EL pen Logo with heartThings Aren’t Always As They Seem!

1st Corinthians 13:12: “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

Thank you for stopping by for our Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word! I never tire sharing from my heart to yours! Words of Wisdom and Weapons of Warfare are what we need to use instead of assumptions! Grab your coffee and your strand of faith and let’s go tie some knots to make us stronger!J
Have you ever acted, or reacted based on an assumption that you found out after the fact was wrong? Isn’t that just the worst? Talk about a huge piece of humble pie. The examples are almost countless. I remember when I was nearly drowning in my insecurities; whenever I would first come around a group of people who I was seeking approval and acceptance from, I just knew that when I walked in the room and they stopped talking, it was because they had been talking about me … and it had to of been all negative!
Or have you ever thought you were well-schooled in a particular subject only to discover you were more un-learned? I could go on and on with examples, and maybe you can share on of yours with me, but for the sake of time let’s keep going.

Now the words preceding this particular verse are actually speaking about our giftedness that we use in and out of the Church, i.e., wisdom, knowledge -- and there is a difference but that’s for a different blog! – faith, gifts of healing … all from the Spirit and then Paul goes on to talk about the greatest gift over all is love/charity.  He is also telling us in the preceding verses that our giftedness isn’t perfected until the Perfect One comes. So he’s comparing now to then, meaning present to what is to come. Our gifts are to be used for His glory until His glory comes! In other words, our gifts are but a candle whose flame will be lost in the Rising Son when He comes.

Maybe I’m speaking just to myself about this interpretation because of what is going on in my life, especially in a particular situation where I’m left with only assumptions due to a loss of contact and I dare not act on those assumptions especially after researching this! When I did a little research, I came across my first commentary I ever used when I began to actually dig and study in the Bible: Matthew John Henry Commentary. I wanted to share his commentary on this portion of scripture and I hope it speaks to your heart as it continues to speak to mine:

“Things are all dark and confused now, in comparison of what they will be hereafter: Now we see through a glass darkly (en ainigmatiin a riddle), then face to face; now we know in part, but then we shall know as we are known.”

He begins to explain it here:  “Now we can only discern things at a great distance, as through a telescope”…   So what if we were to not act on things that we can only discern from a distance? Would there be less reacting? It’s kind of analogous to reading without your glasses; you are not as equipped and your understanding is somewhat blurry as you try and make out the words, but when you put your glasses on, voila! You not only see, but because you have a better picture, understanding brightens the picture and things are less obscure.

Matthew John Henry continues his commentary:  “But hereafter the things to be known will be near and obvious, open to our eyes; and our knowledge will be free from all obscurity and error.”

See, that says that there will be some things that we just don’t get to understand … until He says so! And that mean until we meet Him face to face! So all we can do is “faithe” – rhymes with bathe – through them, trusting Him instead of leaning on our own understanding, which should prevent us from reacting based on our assumptions, a mistake that is often damaging to not only the one making it but all parties involved!
Here’s a powerful truth that makes what is not understood much less important: God is to be seen face to face! So really, when I think about it, that which seems to be one way, or they that seem to be a particular way, based on my assumptions and what I am able to see or hear, will not be important in comparison to seeing Him face to face!

And here’s a point to ponder that He gave me for us: Oftentimes, those things that are based on assumptions that grate on our nerves are what we see when we look in the mirror!

And here’s another truth that Matthew John Henry points out from this verse: “We are to know him as we are known by him; not indeed as perfectly, but in some sense in the same manner. We are known to Him by mere inspection; He turns His eye towards us, and sees and searches us throughout. We shall then fix our eye on Him, and see Him as He is1 John 3:2. We shall know how we are known!”

Whew, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be known for acting or reacting upon a bunch of assumptions, things that aren’t as they seem!

Oh, to fix the eyes of my heart  on that day when I will pass from unknowing to really knowing, from darkness to light, from clouds to pure “Sun” shine when I look in the mirror and see Him face to face!

IMG_8444-2 blogEvinda

Monday, February 8, 2016

Jenn’s Journey

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
It's Monday! Here we are meeting up again, already!  Did you know that this month is "Heart Awareness Month"? A whole month devoted to raising awareness of heart disease and how to prevent it. How ironic, especially considering that this month is also about affairs of the heart! Grab whatever you’re having for your break and join me.

Recently I went in for a yearly checkup. I had been feeling extra tired and run down as of late. My doctor ordered some blood work. The results came back with healthy levels of everything except iron. Turns out I was anemic. This explains the fatigue and a few other symptoms I was having. My doctor suggested I take a supplement, and within days of doing so, I felt better! What a relief to have symptoms checked, and an answer found.

Like physical exams, we need emotional checkups. When was the last time you paid attention to warning signs in your emotional dashboard? Unfortunately, it's easy to ignore symptoms until it's too late and you've said something out of anger or irritation and/or done something you'll regret. At least this is my experience!

 I was in a self-defense class the other day. The instructor had us take a few minutes to do what he called taking inventory of ourselves, i.e., become aware of how you're feeling, he said. Are there any tight muscles? Are you experiencing pain anywhere?

I've had all the symptoms of emotional weariness lately: irritation, impatience, sadness, brokenness and anger. I have found myself in the strangest if words have failed me. So, for a time, I am just going to sit back and take inventory. What is it I truly feel? Maybe I need to spend more time with the Great Physician.

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Psalm 27:14

Until next week, be blessed,

Friday, February 5, 2016

Freedom Fridays

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
It’s Friday!!!! Welcome to our new Friday series Freedom Fridays…I know you are going to love what Jennifer brings to us each Friday, another step closer to freedom! Grab your coffee and your strand of faith and come on in!!!

Who are you listening to?

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  Romans 10:17

Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something.  We can have faith in anything.  Faith is not about belief. It has very little to do with what beliefs you hold, other than that it allows you to hold them.

So…if we are not hearing the word of God…who are we listening to?

I must admit that sometimes I listen to the lies that my past experiences have taught me.  My faith in humans has been broken; the hurt runs deep.  I occasionally allow the hurt and pain to speak (sometimes relentlessly) into my day.  My faith is in what I am not and what I can’t do because of what I am hearing.  Some call it negative self-talk.

It helps to keep an eye on the things you tell yourself, and challenge some of the negative aspects of your thinking.  This goes back to last week’s blog about taking every thought captive.  There are many scriptures that illustrate what can happen inside of our head and ways to fill your inner being with the things of God.

Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" (NKJV). In other words, we become what we think. Or, as I like to say, where the mind goes, the man follows. It was a breakthrough to understand that my problems had a lot to do with a negative, critical, suspicious, judgmental mindset, and I didn't have to just think any thought that fell into my mind. I could think about what I wanted to think about on purpose.

The best thing we can do is renew our minds with the Word of God so we can think like He thinks and experience His good plan for our lives. Hearing the word of God helps us believe and fill our minds with the right things, the true things.

Romans 12:2 says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (NKJV).

When you spend time hearing the Word and renewing your mind with the Truth, it helps set your mind in the right direction so you can have more victory in your life. And as this new way of thinking gradually renews your mind, it dilutes the old thinking and transforms your perspectives and attitudes.

So… who are you listening to?  Who do you need to be listening to?  My prayer is that you will build your faith in God and listen to the truths He speaks into you and wash away the lies.

File Dec 26, 5 59 35 AMJennifer