Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday's Mantra

Up and Out!
Thanks so much for joining us for Coffeehour @ chicklitpower and Trench Classes United! Welcome to Monday’s Mantra. Grab your coffee, or your favorite break time beverage and your Strand of Faith and let’s go tie some knots as we wrap up “How to neighbor” with the final words of verse 35: and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.” For those who are new to this series, we are talking about the parable of The Good Samaritan and all the principles we can learn to live by from these few verses in Luke 10.
When the Samaritan left, it wasn’t like he had a cell phone and could call the innkeeper and have any balance sent to him by snail mail! Oh, how I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to listen and watch this conversation take place. Not much detail is given about their conversation but it is safe to presume that the innkeeper agreed because the Samaritan leaves with the promise of returning. 
That brings us to the final characteristic of how to neighbor who we neighbor, which is almost exactly the same as what starts the process: Keeping our eyes open. It’s a form of focus, if you will. It rings in this truth: when we are about His business, He’s taking care of our business, as promised in Matthew 6:33.
Proverbs 16:3 tells us to commit our work to the Lord, and our thoughts will be established. Wow, so few words that pack such a powerful punch. In other words, we don’t have to chase our tails and go around and around the same mountain, but if we turn our focus upwards, He will lead us onward! The moment we take our focus off of our Guide, we begin to walk sort of caddy-wampus, at least I do.  
The other day, as I was riding one of the longest escalators in L.A., I looked up to the tall, and taller and tallest buildings, breathed a big sigh of contentment and asked, “What do you have for me today, Lord?” And within two hours He showed me. I had not one, but two divine appointments. 
Take a moment and ask yourself: What are two things that get in my way of keeping my eyes open to the needs of others around you? Go ahead, be honest; no one’s going to judge you! 
So how do we do avoid the distractions, or set aside those things which concern us to be more available to neighbor? I think it begins with understanding that we don’t have to do it alone. We have been promised a Helper. In John 14:26, Jesus tells the disciples – and you and I are part of that crowd, that He will send the helper, the Holy Spirit to teach us all things. What a comfort! 
All we have to do is resolve in our hearts to acknowledge and accept that help; in other words, live like He’s alive in us. The word root for resolve is “reso” and the Greek translation defines it like this: “to partner with the Holy Spirit”! I don’t know about you but I find that affirming and confirming and comforting. 
Oh, what would our worlds look like if we lived like HE is alive in us?


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