Have you ever searched for something steadily and earnestly,
almost to the point of frustration? I know as I get older I have these brain
toots that often send me on an energetic search as I try to find something I
put in such a safe place…so safe I can’t find it!
When I think of this word, I can’t help but stop and ask
myself, what is it that I pursue “diligently”?
Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word
@ Trench Classes United.
Hebrews 11:6 says: “But
without faith it is impossible
to please Him, for he
who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. “
I can think of a few things I search for diligently. Just a
couple of weeks ago, my husband and I decided to take my writing chair out of
the writing room and put it in our living room to add seating for our growing
connection group. Ever since then, I’ve been searching with consistent effort
for a new chair for my writing room. Or how about that perfect gift for
someone; we don’t know what it is until we see it so our search is pretty
steady, earnest and energetic, right? How about this one: For some reason, the
face of an old high school friend keeps coming into your mind and so where do
you go to search him/her out? Well, now we have Google and Facebook, right?
Now let’s keep that type of diligent searching in mind as we
think of the things of God. What kinds of things should we be searching for as
it relates to our spiritual nourishment?
Coffee Hour Friend, I don’t know about you, but sometimes
life can be so fast, that we forget to slow down and search for the things of
God, for those God winks, those God-incidences that have His handprint all over
them. We can get going so fast, even doing Kingdom work, that we forget to stop
and fuel our faith with the things of God, like spending time in His Word,
and/or talking with Him first thing in the morning. And later in the day,
taking a time out to just sit through an entire worship song and tuning into
Him while tuning out the distractions.
Oh, to diligently search for opportunities to be with Him and
not be so busy doing things for Him…
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