Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes
United and our Faith-Filled Friday. I decided to have a little fun with you
today and give you an exercise that’s sure to change your perspective. Come on
It was a Thursday morning, trench class day, and as I not so
springy sprung out of bed, my mind began racing with the ‘to-dos’ for the day,
so much so that by the time I made it to the coffee pot, my adrenalin was
already running as if I’d had my morning dose of caffeine! I made my two cups anyway, grabbed my rice
cake with almond butter and raspberry jam, and off to my writing room I went.
I sat down, grabbed my little I-Pod, scrolled through the
list of music, chose an album and as the music filtered out into my soul I
realized I needed my quiet time more than anything. So I just sat, allowing the
words to penetrate and thereafter flood my soul, inviting the presence of the
very One I was there to worship. As I called out for Him, I began to call Him names…names
that had significant meaning to me! Surely you didn’t think I meant naughty
names? J
Speaking these names of adoration out loud is a form of a powerful creation
within us, just like when God spoke creation into existence (Genesis 1:1-5)
This name-calling type of worship not only ushered in His
presence, it reassured my soul while reminding me of all that He has become to
me, through it all, every single circumstance, life change, trauma, illness,
birth, death, and despite having my almost two cups of coffee, my soul began to
quiet down and my mind’s focus redirected to the moments with Him. The funny
thing about this exercise is if you’re really in it, you don’t want it to end!
So can I encourage you to try and sit through one song,
write down the names you have for Him, names that have significance to you,
names to describe His love for you, or even names that express your need in
certain areas, names that describe how He’s provided for you what He has
provided for you. My name calling session went something like this: Abba,
because He is my ultimate Daddy! Lover of my soul, because I truly love Him
above everything, my Mountain Mover, because He has and will continue to move
mountains that rise to block me in any area of my life, Provider, because He
does provide for all my needs, Dependable because I can always count on Him to
be there, even if I’m not always there.
I could literally go on for hours, but it’s your turn. Spend
some time calling Him names, and feel your soul fill with quiet strength and
confidence and your spirit lift!
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