Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A personal mission statement can be your Google! EL

 Wednesday’s Word

In a world of Google, Siri, Alexa, GPS and any other techno guide, how is it we still can get so lost? Thanks for joining Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United.
A mission statement gives a business, a ministry a purpose, a direction to head and hopefully a destination to reach. Our Board of Directors has been meeting for several months now to refine and align our organization’s mission statement. That got me thinking about my personal mission statement and what our worlds would look like if we each had a personal mission statement as believers and followers of our Loving Father.
If it is developed and created with the same three principles followed for a business, a non-profit organization, including a ministry like ours, it would include what you or I wish to focus on, what we wish to accomplish and what we’d like to achieve or become as a result of that focus.
A personal mission statement reveals where our energy is focused, helps determine our actions, our choices and behaviors. In other words, our personal mission statement reveals a lot about what is most important to us.
Wouldn’t it be fun to begin reading His promises and principles in search of your own personal mission statement? What is it that you would like to achieve in this life to prepare you for the next? What is nearest and dearest to your heart?
I’ll share one of mine with you and by all means, in the Christian economy, I wouldn’t be the least bit offended if you adopted it as your own! After all, these words are directly from Christ Himself, for me and for you!
Matthew 5:16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven”!
And might I add that you won’t always receive a “like” or a “share” or a “re-tweet”! But that’s okay because He sees it and likes it and multiplies it!
On a mission,

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