Monday’s Mantra
1st Peter 5:6-7: Humble yourselves under the mighty
hand of God that He may exalt you in due time, 7casting all your cares on Him
for He cares for you.
What’s the first thing you think or feel when you read/hear
this word, humility? My guess is your first instinct may not be so positive, at
least not as beautiful as humility was meant to be. Years ago, I prayed for
this virtue…whew, what a season! J
J Thanks for joining me for Coffee Hour with
Chicklit Power and Monday’s Mantra with Trench Classes United.
I’ve come to learn that this fruit of the Spirit is one that
tries to sneak away…often, and I do mean often!
Why is that? Because we have this house of flesh that consistently needs
to be shushed! It’s not something that
you just tweak your nose, snap your fingers, or push a 30-second button and
voila, we are humbled! I mean, we can be humbled that quick; but the problem is
pushing the pause button so humility stays with
us and in us through all circumstances. Yes, I have learned, albeit the hard
way, that humility is like salt to a tasteless meal; it adds flavor; it makes
everything better!
In fact, humility helps me to hang on to my Christianity and
prevents me from getting on my broom and rising above others as I take a fast
spin around my circumstances.
What does “humbling yourself” look like? Let me share a
God-given picture of humility:
I’ll never forget an experience I had when I read 1stPeter 5:6. The crazy thing is I had read it a year prior, even wrote a blog on
it as I was struggling with wondering why my first book wasn’t being picked up
by an agent/publisher so I thought He was saying in due time. But months later,
when I was brought back to it, He gave me another meaning that spoke much
louder than the first one. What He was speaking this time literally rendered me
humbled: In due time, through this season of seeking humility, He would lift me
up and out of… myself! Yes, the scriptures are God-breathed and useful for
teaching and correcting. The only way we can know this is by showing up each
day to have our eyes and ears opened, offering up a sacrifice of time.
The Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines humility in this
way: “The quality or state of not thinking you are better than others.”
I have learned firsthand that God will humble us not to hurt
us but to help us. He is more concerned about our humilit
y than our happiness…
and He will do what He needs to do to achieve this virtue in us. Join me
Wednesday for a sort of redemption of my mistake and Him giving me a “retake”!
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