Monday’s Mantra
Thanks for
joining us for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Mantra with Trench
Classes United. I’m so excited to introduce you to a guest today. Her name is
Julie Held and I saw this post on F.B. last week and asked if she wouldn’t mind
sharing it with you today. So enjoy this perspective from Julie
As I was driving home today I saw seven posted signs along the road that said: “How to get a cheap divorce.” (Now before you stop reading this, this has no condemnation to anyone who’s gone through a divorce.) But my heart was grabbed and I thought, you never see the world putting out signs of “Come and get help for your marriage”; -- at least I’ve never seen that.
I was compelled to encourage the marriages out there to be
anchored not in each other, but in Christ alone. That is the only firm
foundation. All other ground is sinking sand.
When I look at this picture of my husband and me, I feel it’s so
symbolic. Just imagine for a moment that instant when you said “ I DO.” In that
moment, God gave your marriage a bag. And you don’t know what “surprises” are
inside. It’s a journey map of twists and turns as you follow God together; the
good times, the joys, the sorrows and pain, the dreams and hopes. Then there is
one thing in that bag He gives you both and it’s His Word because as the
scriptures say, “Thy
Word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path.”

I don’t know where you might be in your marriage; it might be
fantastic or it might be hanging on for dear life. Whatever season you are
currently in, reach into your bag and grab the one thing that will help you keep
your eyes on God. Read your Bible daily and pray together. Seek God. Bring your
burdens and your thanksgiving to Him. Anchor yourself, and your marriage in
Christ and watch God move mountains and your marriage will be a testimony of
His great LOVE.
Julie Held
#heldheartkeys #julesanchor
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