Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sometimes He calls us into deep waters to teach our faith to float! EL

Wednesday’s Word

Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United! You’re in for a treat today with a heartfelt blog from Julie.

When “time hop” pops on your profile FB and reminds you all God has done  🙌 😭
Seriously, I had no idea I would be taking a photo six years later of our five children at the same spot!

Children did not come “automatically” for us as my Uncle told us. We walked the road of infertility and bringing our “wants” to the Lord and exchanging them for his beauty. Honestly, it has felt like God pouring children into our lap at one point.  😭
Anyone out there praying and knocking and feeling hopeless like God is not answering?
Don’t lose hope; instead pray, seek, knock and keep knocking.
Remember the story in the Bible how the disciples had fished all night and caught nothing and then …“When he had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.” (Luke 5:4-6)
Notice Jesus spoke to go into the DEEP waters, put down your nets, not just one net, and Simon said “we worked hard all night…” it was beyond their “works”.
God was requiring FAITH in that moment in their lives. They were about to partake in a tremendous miracle of the His faithfulness, of His authority, and of His word.
Imagine they threw the net down and said “not today Lord, we are tired!” They would have missed a blessing, a gift, a miracle, and not just for themselves but for all the others too, and us as well.
So when you feel tired and you want to scream “forget this!” dig deeper in the Word of God and listen for His voice. He may be speaking in the still of the night.
When Nathan and I went back to foster/adopt, we had basically the bare essentials. Honestly it didn’t really seem “like the right time” in our eyes... but God showed up unexpectedly!”
Is God asking you to walk by faith and not by sight? Throw your net again?! Maybe He has a miracle ahead...remember our “works” will never be enough; we will always come back exhausted but when God speaks, He brings the Harvest AND you will glorify Him!
Thanks for joining me….
Casting my nets,

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