I think it has taken us three coffee breaks because He is using so many things to remind me of this particular powerful lesson found in Philippians 2:3-4: Let nothing be done through selfish ambition (strife) or conceit, but in lowliness (humility) of mind, let each esteem others better than himself (herself). Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
I just noticed something else in the last line. My Microsoft Word program has the word “own” underlined in green, which means that it’s grammatically incorrect. But you know what? It’s really not. I believe HE put that there for emphasis because when I check the translation out in my 1865 edition of the Holy Bible, “his own interests” is in there too.
So last year, this verse spoke to me about putting my agenda aside when it came to interruptions in my day; this year it’s speaking to me about my motives and the fine line of promoting Him without over-promoting myself, my books, et cetera, and that when I’m at a speaking engagement, it’s not about my interests, book sales, et cetera, but about the interests of others, the ministering to others for the well being of others.
It’s a narrow piece of fabric that He is weaving for me to walk, and sometimes, before I know it, I’ve meandered over and off the fabric of His plan, aimlessly wandering and wondering if I will ever be okay with the reality that I am a needle in a haystack of authors and He is the thread that will weave the words He’s given me into the hearts of others. I am eternally grateful for His grace that gently pulls me back onto His designated canvas, while His hand gently comes up under my chin, lifting my focus up and off of myself, back on the greatest Author who is in charge of the story of my life, the one who abolishes my selfish ambitions and knows my heart.
I am not telling you that to flaunt a success or boast in any way whatsoever; not at all. My true heart’s desire is that you will see the grace woven in and through that book signing that I thought was pitiful. The truth is that He used my own flaws and insecurities to bless me, assure me and encourage me. This is beyond my comprehension but definitely a signature inscribed with His sovereign love.
In His will,
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