When Bryden first began to help us unload the dishwasher, I didn’t think anything of how he used the actual door as a stepstool to reach all the things he wanted to take out, but as time has gone by, he’s grown so now I’ve got to help him understand why that’s no longer okay. I think the best way is to compliment him on how big and strong he’s become and if he steps on it now, it may break. Speaking of breaking, we have had a couple of mishaps while unloading the dishwasher, so he knows “breaking” something is to be avoided as much as possible.
The first time he broke a crystal glass, we both were so startled by the sound of shattering glass everywhere and when I looked at him, he looked a little scared and simultaneously, panic hit as I realized if he moved in any direction, he was going to step on shards of glass. My voice came out an octave higher than I intended and reached for him and hurriedly scooped him up to avoid him cutting his little feet on the now scattered glass. On the other side of my brain, I’m reminding myself that it’s just a stupid crystal glass and it was definitely an accident, but Bry’s little feelings were already hurt and he began to cry, big giant crocodile tears spilling down his face.
I picked him back up and held him to my heart assuring him that it was an accident and that Nana wasn’t mad. “I just didn’t want you to cut yourself on all the glass.” That seemed to satisfy him. And then I showed him how it had gone everywhere and that Nana needed to vacuum the floor to make sure he didn’t step on any hidden pieces.
The good news: we managed to get all the glass vacuumed up without a scrape or a cut!
All these helping-hand moments came in extra handy when it came time to decorate the yard with the fall/harvest decorations. I rewind the camera of my mind and true joy opens the door of my heart and nestles in there bringing a smile to my face. Never has decorating the yard for fall been more fun.
Every piece of yard art brought a different exclamation from him and various expressions that would make even the grumpiest of people smile. Watching him place them where we all decided was just as entertaining and when he would begin to get frustrated with one that wasn’t quite cooperating as he tried to push it into the ground, Papa and Nana were right there to be his helping hand. Oh, the joy of learning to look at things from the eyes of a child . . .
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