So I received some more accountability from some dear friends and I’m thankful beyond words to have them kicking my butt with a heart on their toes! My breakthrough has to do with the “bio mom” references, and someone said, I know you don’t mean to be hurtful and maybe you call her that because that’s what you called your mom for all those years, but it’s hurtful. And, no matter what, she’s Bryden’s mom.
OMG, what a revelation! That’s exactly it and I’ve been comparing her or equating her to my own biological mom who up to the last weeks of her life wasn’t a mom to me, and maybe that’s why I came across so strong! Maybe that’s why I sound more harsh than I meant to! Yikes! Please forgive me and know, each and every one of you who read this, that I NEVER, EVER, stop praying for her and I am continually hanging out with hope, hope for her to have a brighter future and to become the mom that God created her to be and for her and Bryden to have an amazing relationship. That truly has been and continues to be my heart’s desire.
This accountability check is really beating in my heart and I need to be careful about the “ugly” picture I am painting of her with my words. That’s not my intent and I of all people understand that we do have to see the ugly to appreciate the beauty redemption brings and I will continue to share the truths of this story more sensitively. The blessed hope that we can all bask in is God is not done with her story, Bryden’s MOM’s story, and He’s not done with my story within her story! In fact, as I’ve said before, I am not the same person I was in the beginning of this story but I am being transformed because of her story! So, that being said, let’s continue with where we left off!
We left off with the beginning of new beginnings for Bryce, Jene’ and Bryden.
Sundays have become full days, and the depth that Bryce’s new girlfriend brings to the picture is unmistakable divinely added. Watching her interact with Bryden the first couple of times was like rewinding my own beginning with him. She was definitely a bit fearful and uncertain, but a lot more eager than I was. Her trepidation began to lessen with each passing Sunday.
Now looking at it from Bryden’s perspective, I want to say he sort of took to her right away, and yet, children are so
intuitive! He was somewhat cautious in his beginning interactions as well. In addition to not being sure about her in the beginning was his struggle to vie for daddy’s attention. From the outside looking in, I recognized that right away and was able to share that with both Bryce and Jene’.
There really wasn’t a competition, though, especially considering Jene’ was very respectful of their relationship from the beginning. The first few weeks, she quietly observed and stood in the background.
I giggle as I remember their beginning. She’s such a girl. She hates to get dirty and here we all were running in the muddy grass, chasing Bryden and/or the ball or Frisbee or hiding up in the bushes playing hide-n-seek, and there was Jene’, either standing not too far off, or sitting on the picnic bench, a smile spilling onto her face as she watched us become like little children with Bryden.
By the third or fourth week, she was joining in with our fun and had even worn tennis shoes that she could get dirty! I
swear, they looked brand-new but she swore they were old! If I had to put words to what those first six to eight weeks were, I’d have to say that they were a time of building their friendship, getting reacquainted on more solid ground with the people that they each were becoming, new creatures in Christ. And although we all were thinking about their potential, and the gift of second chances, what we weren’t openly expressing, nor were they, was the direction that friendship was going, on to something deeper, long-lasting and life-changing.
Join me Thursday for more.
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