I began to look forward to our Sundays which began with church, breakfast, maybe a quick grocery shopping trip before heading off to spend a few hours with Bryce at the Castle in Riverside and in between all of that were many special moments.
We normally park in the same place for church – my husband is such a creature of habit! He likes to park in a place that he won’t get door-dinged so he usually parks on the street. I can hear Bryden’s words as soon as he touches the concrete sidewalk: “Wet’s run, Nana; Wet’s run,” and off we’d go, running down the sidewalk and onto the church property, in the back door and down the hall, right to his little class. And he wouldn’t even stop to collect a hug or a kiss, let alone $200!
He went right in and would always begin to play with the other children.
After church, if we go to breakfast, it’s usually the same place, Gus’s in Redlands. Lo’ and behold, we’d always order the same thing: Bryden loves their pancakes and while we still couldn’t get him to eat eggs, this is where Bryden tried something else besides pancakes: bacon, and he liked it, or as he says, “I wike it!”
After breakfast, we’d head for Stater Brothers for our weekly grocery shopping. Herein lay some habits that make me smile, like running through the parking lot to the entrance. Part of my maternal instinct is screaming at the child in me raring to join him; and I finally, I quiet the screaming mama and throw caution, not completely to the wind, but enough to enable myself to join him. Don’t panic; of course I stay somewhat ahead of him to protect him from unseen cars.
Once inside, he and papa go to the same place to look for the car shopping cart. He’d much rather ride in a car than in the top little shelf inside the grocery shopping cart. Usually we score, and shopping is a bit easier with him safe and sound in the cab. Don’t tell him, but I like this because he doesn’t seem to see as many things that he has to have, cookies, candy, toys, et cetera.
Speaking of cookies, that’s also become one of our habits; we buy Oreo cookies, yep, uh-huh, a pack every two weeks. I know; someone call the sugar police on me, please!
But, in my defense, I’ve learned to use them to not just our advantage, but his as well.
I hear you thinking, so let me answer your questions before you ask. “Bryden, when” – and I try not to say if – “you eat your dinner, you get two cookies.” Guess who more often than not eats all his dinner, including his veggies? Give up?
Join me Thursday for a journal entry which includes more memories with all three of our grandchildren that make me smile and squeeze my heart.
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