I hope you had a heart-squeezing Mother’s Day! I can’t wait to share one of the sweetest moments I experienced this Mother’s Day all because of getting to be mama/nana but I’ll share that in the Nana Holds series next week.
So the last time we met for Coffee in Cabo, we were on our way to the 3:00 session of the book signing so come with me to the beautiful lobby of Playa Grande.
We walked through the back doors and saw right away that Paula and the General Manager had made good on their promise. They had moved our display to the place I had requested, the same place I had sat and signed my very first book, A Cup of Encouragement for the Day. My spirits lifted as I made my way over to our table and began to put books on display.
Moments later, I looked up to see Rodney and Cheryl making their way toward us, looking rested, refreshed and incredibly happy. Every time I think of these two, I smile from the inside out! Being around them is like opening Christmas presents, a time of anticipation, joy and rejuvenation! Anyway, by the time she made it over to the table, someone else had too. I invited her to sit down and I explained a little about each book, sharing with her that the “Cup” series is sort of like a Chicken Soup for the Chic’s soul, and that Back to Single is my first fiction novel, the first of what I think is a trilogy.
Something in the explanation of Back to Single turned something on in her and she just began to share with me about her life, her current situation, her career. Her transparency was like a baited hook that I drank in to my soul. She has an ideal job, and a part-time marriage. What in the heck does that mean? Well, she explained that she sees her husband ten days out of the month and it works for them. Oh, for those of you who really know me, I’m sure you can imagine how had it was for me to keep my opinions to myself, but by golly – no, by the Grace of God, I did. See, I don’t know all the circumstances, but from our conversation, I knew she needed a different perspective.
She picked up A Cup of Hope and began to thumb through it and exclaimed, “Well, this looks like something I would like, too.”
Meanwhile, Cheryl is sitting beside me chomping at the bit, elbowing me with her eyes as she whispers, “Give her a deal for all three!”
What a great idea. Why didn’t I think of that?
Cheryl picked up “A Cup of Encouragement.” Here, if you like that one, then you will like this one too. This is her first one and I loved it. If you buy all three, you get a better deal.”
I almost burst out laughing at the ease with which Cheryl spoke. I mean it was joyful, not forceful, and I envied her this gift! I mean, she could teach the pushy people on the boardwalk a thing or two about suggestive selling because they border on being a bit offensive! I picked up from where she left off: “Yeah, we’ll give you $5 off!”
“Do you take pesos?”
Cheryl looked at me, her eyes big with that question, waiting for me to respond.
“Absolutely, not a problem,” I chimed in and I grabbed the calculator to figure out the exact number of pesos required. Cheryl began writing the receipt while I signed all three of her books. As I handed them to her, I asked if she would mind writing a review on Amazon when she was done with each of them. She was so positively agreeable, happy to help and her willingness squeezed my heart with encouragement and confidence.
This is what these book signings are all about, moments to share, heart to heart, one heart at a time, moments that won’t be as possible when the line is hanging out the door to buy something He writes through me!
Writing from my heart to yours . . .
P.S.S. I feel compelled to tell you of a new fact we learned while out there this time and we learned it from a brother we met last year and found again this year: Minimum wage for most guys is $8 a week! Does that ever explain the desperation!
Oh, may we walk in an attitude of gratitude!
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