Humility longs to be my companion, showing up in all that I am learning on the road to recovery from co-dependency. I realize that the more I learn, the less I know. This realization is what works humility into the canvass of my life, into my DNA.
I am experiencing this truth: He uses marriage as one of His biggest tools to take out what needs to go; and He uses it as one of the primary effervescent colors to add in what it takes to paint me more Christ-like. Sometimes the cutting and painting process has been so excruciating and overwhelming, wrought with emotional pain too difficult to describe with words. But then, oh, what a feeling: Indescribably freeing!
One of the most deceptive and quiet ways of co-dependency is focusing on others faults and shortcomings, especially our spouse’s. What I am learning through Steve and our time on Blog Talk Radio is priceless. Both are working like a small but powerful flashlight, exposing the deepest of my co-dependent tendencies, and now that this truth has become unveiled to me, exposed to my mind and illuminated in my heart, it must change; I must change. What a process!
That is where this power thought comes from and if it does for you even a fraction of what it’s done for me, you will experience the joy that comes after the change.
Respect Jesus style is letting someone be who they are!
Oh, to let others be who they are and love them right where they are!
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