Happy Monday Manna,
I hope you all had an amazing weekend!
Before this week’s Manna, let’s take a few moments to reflect on a spiritual victory that has recently been made in our lives. Spiritual victories come in all shapes and sizes. Your victory could be related to a close friend or loved one recently coming to Christ, or finding out how to use a God-given gift to bring others closer to Christ. Maybe you discovered that through walking in faith, God has provided for you and your family financially and spiritually. Friends, these victories that have taken place in our lives are a true testimony to HIS unfailing love for each and every one of us. Our God is a providential God and His ability to become our every need is a reminder to me that God’s love never fails. What about us? Do we fail at loving others or are we following God’s perfect will in our lives? If not, how do we know?
I’m sure each and every one of you has prayed “That prayer.” My “That prayer” last week was “God, I want to grow in you and I submit myself unto you. Put me where you want me.” After I prayed I thought, “Garrett, why would you pray for that!?” That’s a serious prayer, right? Maybe I should have thought about that prayer more before I actually articulated it verbally? Well, OUR God answers prayers and after last week I will never be the same. Let me share how and why. After last week's writing, I experienced my first "attack," if you will, an attack that hit me hard and really made me think about writing, and what I write about and wondering if I was in His will by writing for this blog. In the midst of this attack, I was reminded of a couple Biblical people:
When I think of following God’s perfect will I’m reminded of Jonah. God calls his faithful servant to Nineveh to warn the people of their great transgressions and impending Judgments but Jonah, afraid and fearing the worst, detours and flees to Tarshish. Jonah was not following God’s perfect will, and as you continue to read you can see how God chastises His beloved servant. God chastises those He loves and I find that when I am not following HIS perfect will, God will redirect me through the use of fellowship. I’ll admit it; I’m as stubborn as they come. I am easily blinded by the fear and apprehension of my own Nineveh, but that is why God has provided me with a village of support, such as my wife, my family, Evinda, and each one of you that offer support through your comments on these writings. You have no idea how much you have impacted me and because of you I feel like I am getting closer to being where He wants me to be.
God answers prayers, even if they are scary prayers. God knows our hearts and God knows what we are capable of. God uses the tax collectors, the Christian murderers, and society's outcasts to accomplish HIS perfect will. It wasn't until after the attack, being several hours outside of it and through the counsel of others that I realized that the attack didn't come from Him, rather from the enemy who doesn't want truth out there in cyber space!
When we are in HIS perfect will, we experience a peace that transcends all understanding, even in chaos! God Bless You!
In His Love,
P.S. Join Steve & Kim (Evinda) for more relationship revelations on How to Love Who You Love BTR today at 1:00! Click on this link to land in our show and listen at your convenience. www.blogtalkradio.com/Chicklit-Power