Hello friends. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and I hope that this week’s writing will fill each and every one of you with a hope that can only be provided to you through Christ.
There have been times throughout my life when I have questioned Jesus Christ’s sovereignty. As believers, we are constantly under attack; the enemy loves turning up the intensity of attack towards those believers who have grounded themselves in the Word and in prayer.
If you were to look at the statistics for Christian men who were helplessly addicted to pornography, the figures would truly frighten you. More Christina men are addicted to these forbidden websites than non-Christian males. Unfortunately, the tangible tools of the enemy often take on the form of a bottle or any other illegal substance. These destructive tools are all fair game to the enemy.
In Karl Payne’s book Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization, and Deliverance, he speaks of how spiritual warfare occurs throughout the unseen dimensions around us. Through mathematical calculations and photon experimentation, many quantum physicists hypothesize that twenty-seven different dimensions exist. Spiritual warfare is as vast as the heavens, but we often find it occurring within our own homes. I often find that spiritual attack occurs when I’m alone and most vulnerable; I often find myself asking “Garrett, how do you know that Jesus Christ is the true Lord and Savior?”
through…always. I heard a sermon from pastor Raul Ries and he spoke of Calvary Chapel’s annual trips taken to Jerusalem. Raul, like any great evangelist, will always share the Word of God with the Jewish tour guides as they explore the sacred grounds of Jerusalem. He will always share with them Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, and Matthew 27:27-56 in this order. If you have your Bible near you I encourage you to read these passages now. The parallels between prophecy and the actual crucifixion of Christ blew my mind. As I read these passages, an overwhelming sense of peace and warmth overcame me. God had opened my eyes and my heart. Another the Book with ALL
victory for Christ! the answers!
God does not send us into battle defenseless; He has equipped us with his Word, which is as sharp as a double-edged sword. The enemy’s attempts don’t stand a chance against our Lord and Savior. But beware fellow believers because just as soon as an epic spiritual victory is won, the enemy will be on the prowl once again. Let’s remain faithful in the daily reading of His Word. God Bless You!
Warmest Regards,
Garrett Castro
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