Loving the Unlovable
Step 3
you for inviting me back into your coffee hour and into this series. I
know what we are learning is not easy to hear, so please know that I am
sincerely blessed that you are allowing me to walk with you in this. I
believe with all that is in me that He has ordained this time to unpack
any and all junk as it relates to unlovable and difficult people in your
life. Grab your coffee and let’s go to the next step in loving those
unlovable/difficult people in our lives!Today, I would just like to share with you an analogy about why we are even doing this series, give you some thoughts to ponder before we move on to Step 3. Just as the first step in an addict’s or alcoholic’s recovery is the most important because admission of their problem opens the door to their recovery, so does acknowledging unlovable and/or difficult people in our life opens the door to healing. Let me explain what I mean. You see, in this process, the one that will change is you! You and I are powerless to change the unlovable and/or difficult people on our list! But, oh, how I’ve tried over and over again, delusional enough to think I actually could change others. Have you ever caught yourself thinking this of anyone in your world?
As a result of the change in you, that unlovable/difficult person may or may not move off the list you have them on, but I can guarantee you this: their unlovable, difficult attitude will no longer have the same power over you!
If you need extra confirmation about making that list, let me share with you
Psalm 4:4 which says: “Be angry and do not sin” – this tells me that God the Book with ALL
does understand anger and frustration; it’s what we do with it that separates the answers!
us! It goes on to say: “Meditate within your heart on your bed” – or your
place of privacy – “and be still.” Now let me share with you a diamond I
found in that verse.
The word “meditate” sparked something so I dug a bit further into its Hebrew (Old Testament) definition, which is: “The act of thoughtful deliberation with the implication of speaking to one’s self, to consider.”
Go ahead and affirm your meditation by journaling your list and speak the names aloud to yourself. He will hear you!
Learning to love the unlovable,
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