Happy Monday Manna,
Last week we touched on God’s ability to reveal Himself to us throughout our battles with the flesh. We sometimes lose those battles and conviction is heavy stuff. I remember Pastor Robert with Revival Life once told me that the tests that we go through are pass or fail only…at the end of the test, pencils are put down and if we fail, God will sometimes allow us to go through the same test again in order for us to mature in our walk with Him, but it’s only because He loves us. I sometimes feel like I rank within the “D-F” range (and that’s with a curve) when it comes to surrendering my worries and concerns to Christ. So I took my supplication before God.
I have a fear of failing. I’m not too sure where this specific fear originates from psychologically, but I do know that the enemy utilizes this huge weakness in an attempt to break me down spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. The battle begins every morning when my feet touch the ground, so before I rush downstairs to start the coffee, I just lay there and thank God for the new day. In thanking Him, I remember that the enemy is powerless against those who have the name of Christ on them, but as the chaos of the day begins, I begin feeling spiritually detached.
When this feeling of fear begins to overwhelm me, I’ve learned to stop, breathe, and high-tail it to the quiet storage room where I give my supplication before God and He ALWAYS meets me wherever I’m at. I then leave that storage room amped up and ready to take on the world. I can’t imagine the feeling Moses must have experienced after he came down from Mt. Sinai literally glowing from his encounter with the God of Israel, but as time went on, he placed a veil over his face because he realized that glow began to disappear. When our “spiritual glow” begins to diminish, we can refuel through actively seeking Jesus Christ. What an amazing thing!
This evening I went for a trail run in the hills behind our home and the rain began to pour down. I stopped and looked out to the North and I could see massive clouds peacefully billowing throughout the canyon area and the sun was beaming through the darker rain clouds. I just stood there in the rain and thanked God for replacing my fear of failure with a comfort that can only be provided by Him, our God and King. Before I headed back, I saw a little sparrow making his way across one of the most beautiful backdrops I’ve ever seen. Matthew 6:26 popped into my head- “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”
God has provided for us in so many ways, just as He has for each and every one of you. We often get so caught up with the chaos that we forget to stop, breathe, and give our supplication to God. He’s waiting…God Bless you and have a great week!
In His Love,
Garrett Castro
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