Thanks so much for joining me! It's been a long time since we've done Power Fridays, and I'm bummed to not have Jeff's Java Hour @ Chicklit Power for you today, but he's getting ready for the biggest change in his life, and during this preparation period, he's been going through something incredibly emotional, so I guess we can grace him out for this week, but he will be back with us next week, but from TEXAS! I'll give you a little hint; he shares something powerful from his heart that's going on inside his heart as it relates to his earthly dad and his Heavenly Father. So grab your coffee and come on in for our Friday power thought that I pray will encourage you in your journey!
So speaking of a big change, I'm about to go through one as well because what affects my son affects me, too. See, he's leaving with his family on Monday to Austin, Texas! I can't even begin to tell you how many tears I've cried at the mere mention of him and my daughter-in-love and my favorite little nine-year-old and five-year-old being in another state! But I know they are called there and good things await for them. They've prayed every step of the way, walked through only divine opened doors and a new and exciting life awaits them .... 1150 miles away!
That's where this power thought comes from and I pray that if you are going through a situation that brings tears to your heart, that the truth within this power thought will lighten your heart and dry your eyes:
Joy is not a denial of painful circumstances but a certainty while in them of what He will work from them!
Looking forward to what He will do, here and in Austin, Texas!
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