Hello! How are you? I’m excited you joined me for more of our WOW and our Coffee Hour. Grab your coffee and your red Strand of Faith and let’s get back to the Waiting Room … in the Hospital of Life!
So were you able to realize what it is you are waiting for? I was reminded of another example of waiting, and I can’t leave this out. How many of us are waiting for that prodigal child to come home, to leave their addiction, to make better choices, to surrender? Oh, but that’s a painful waiting time, one that can only be endured through prayer and often requires fasting as well. These are spiritual battles we fight in the waiting room of life and spiritual battles require spiritual weapons. Whenever we try to stay in the battle with our flesh, we make the waiting time worse.
Well, now I hear someone calling us. It’s time to go into the exam room.
Just hearing that word “exam,” don’t you sort of cringe? When I go to the doctor’s office and I am in the exam room, it’s usually for something that I just can’t beat, something that is pesky and won’t go away, and it usually is something that is trying to take me down. I need to share all my symptoms with my doctor. I have been guilty of saying, “I don’t have time for this; I don’t have time to be sick,” and what I don’t say, but think to myself, is “so hurry up and figure out the problem so I can get on with my life!
Now let’s look at this from a spiritual perspective. What would our lives look like if we went into the exam room each morning, and shared our struggles, symptoms from the day before with Him? What if we were to look at the “exam room” of life as a safe place to spend sweet time with the One who will never leave us or forsake us, the one Who goes before us, defends us and validates us, the Divine Physician?
I can tell you that spending time in the exam room daily has prevented many symptoms that could lead to some horrible life-altering infections! He longs for us to stay spiritually healthy so that when the threats and attacks of physical and emotional circumstances come our way, and they will, we remain spiritually strong.
But, let’s be honest. Oftentimes, we don’t come into the “exam room” of life until there is something happening that is causing pain and/or a physical or emotional infection of sorts. By then, the symptoms of anxiety, worry, nervousness, which manifest themselves in and through the body creating uncomfortable physical problems, and before you know it, we are a hot mess, just waiting for the Doctor to show Himself, to speak, to do something so we know He’s there.
Maybe it’s time we visited the “exam room” in The Hospital of Life daily as a form of spiritual preventative medicine, to be still and know that He is God.
What’s that I hear?
Oh, it’s Him: But you, Coffee Hour Friend, it’s time to come to the secret place and shut the door and when the door closes, pray to your Father who is in this exam room, and I who see you there will reward you. (Matthew 6:6)
Oh, He has one more verse for us to encourage us to visit the exam room daily because He longs to talk with us: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”
When we visit the exam room of life daily, we are better able to appreciate the fact that He who begun His work in us will be faithful to complete it until the time we see Him face to face.
Join me tomorrow for Faith Filled Fridays at Croley’s Corner of Chicklit Power!
Love to you …
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