There was a time in my life when I did not want children. I am not sure of all the reasons I had in my mind then, but I know I was not sure I felt up to the task or the responsibility. After a few years of marriage though, I did change my mind. Then came five years of infertility. :( Those were painful and disappointing years, and then …God answered my prayer to become a mom in a most amazing way: through the gift of adoption.
The past six years of being a mom have been like nothing I have ever imagined. I am thankful every single day for this beautiful child of mine. One thing that has surprised me in the parenting journey is how much she has taught ME!
The other night as I was tucking my daughter in for the night, she threw her arms around my neck and said "Mom, I have so much love inside of me and I saved it all to give to you!" My heart melted; how could it not? What innocence and utter abandon, love without strings.
I have thought of this over and over through the week. It made me think of Matthew 18:3 when Jesus told His followers: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." I've always understood this verse to be talking about childlike faith, and I believe it is. But, I'd like to point out that we can take more from this than that.
Children give love easily and they accept love easily. As adults we become jaded through years of disappointments, hurt and pain. I have a very hard time accepting that love is real so I often push it away...yet I long for it! I've recently understood that I do this to God as well. There is always the lingering thought that perhaps He doesn't want me to come to Him since I've messed up yet again, or how could He possibly love me as much as I've always heard He does?
Remember the story of mothers bringing their children to Jesus and His disciples turning them away? You can find that story in Mark 10:13-16. Jesus was very upset with His friends and called those kids right back. He picked them up in His arms. The commentary says: “He brought them into the closest possible relationship to Him as an unspoken rebuke to the disciples for trying to separate them from Him."
Can you imagine being hugged by Jesus? That thought brings tears to my eyes.
This is what He longs to do for us though! He longs for us to become childlike so we can accept the gift of His love. He is saying "I have so much love inside to give and I saved it all to give to you"
This week, let's challenge ourselves to be more like little children..let's accept the love God has for us..and then go share that with others.
Until next week, be blessed.
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