Friday, September 25, 2015

Croley’s Corner @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
“Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest.”  Proverbs 14:4
I’m grateful you could join me for Coffee Hour today. Grab your favorite beverage and journal and let’s get started.

Wow has this week gone by fast! In fact this year is coming quickly to an end and for me I love to reflect. We moved to Yucaipa almost 34 yrs ago from a large rural area and I had no idea what God was up to except I knew He had different plans than I had for myself and my family. And though I couldn’t see His plans in advance, I knew there was something He was going to show me through all this process.

Back then our street ended in a cul-de-sac and our children played for hours in the field next to us. They would come home stinky and sometimes in alarming conditions as kids do exhausted from the hours of playing and creating such fond memories. This playing arena was short lived because within a few years the land was bought and the sight of new homes began to develop. My heart was saddened but as they say “this is progress” but for who?
Day after day we could see the street lined with vehicles always filled with lots of dirt from the many bulldozers to clear the way for the cement trucks to lay a foundation in this phase of building. There were also varied laborers sawing, pounding and pouring, each orchestrating in their own labored ability.  The noise level seemed to grow louder and messier; and our property was littered with lumber and dust. I vacuumed and dusted every day and at times with my schedule it seemed daunting! The houses looked pretty ugly and incomplete, exposing every little thing on the inside. Nothing seemed to look as though it would even come together. Nevertheless this was a necessary process to get to the finished creation.

Sometimes as believers our walk can be much like the process of building a home. Often we must go through a messy period in our lives in which all aspects of it are in disarray and can seem alarming. It certainly can look chaotic and honestly we may even want to throw up our hands and walk away because we can’t see the end results at the beginning. Yet, so often in the mess, we must be reminded of the plans.  Unless this process takes place, we will never see the end or finished results of His power working in us. Romans 8:28. He’s always ready and willing to rebuild and reconstruct our lives when it gets messy, if we allow Him to!
Solomon in his wisdom tells us in Proverbs 14: 4 that it would be impossible to keep oxen in a barn without having to clean up the mess from time to time. It just comes with the territory, but the result of the oxen is an abundant harvest. Labor has its rough, unpleasant side, yet its end is full in profit. God may be allowing a mess in order to ensure a fruitful harvest in your life. Learn from Him so that you might experience the fulfillment of His purposes not only for you but for others as well; even if the process is messy.

Maybe you’re in a place in your life that He’s redesigning some areas and your inner soul can look and feel disarrayed; it may seem unlivable and feel like it’s not a home and, yes, we’re always going to be in need of some repair. But if we are diligent and follow through with the blue print He has specifically designed for us, it’s in that working process we will eventually witness the beauty of completion!

Have great weekend…and keep Him close to your heart.

Debbie Croley PicLove, Deb

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