Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday’s Trench Lesson

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Welcome to Tuesday’s Trench Lesson with Lea…have you ever wondered what He was trying to say through the storm? Come on in; you just may find an answer!

What Would You Like Me To Learn, Lord?

  I have been learning about patience and overcoming struggles lately. The thing I have come to realize about this is there is something I am not getting! While I am continually looking on the positive side, seeing all of my blessings, and being grateful for what I have -- and I admit that it is not always easy; sometimes it feels nearly impossible, but I eventually get there – I have this sense that I’m missing a very important lesson. Here’s what I have gotten:

 I have learned all these great things about giving joy to others to receive my own joy. I have seen that I am provided for, and can feel my Heavenly Father's love for me. I know that I receive answers to my prayers, even if it is not the answer I want to hear, or in the time that I want to hear it. I have learned about perspective, and how He sees it all, and I only see a very small portion of the big picture. I know I am becoming a better me, and trying to touch others lives with a positive outcome.

These are all great and awesome things! What I am beginning to understand, is that I have many more things to learn in regard to my trials. I am not going to complain about my situation, just explain. As I’ve shared in the recent past, my family has been struggling with car issues. We got my car back from the shop (after over a month) to have my husband's car die that day! Now my husband's car is being fixed, as we share my car. This morning, I went to the auto part store to pick up a part. When I got back into my car to drive home, my check engine light came on. I don't know what it means, and how much work will need to be done, but it was at that moment when God's 2x4 hit me over the head. I am not learning something that He wants me to in these situations.

When I got home, I went to my husband and told him what was going on. Then I told him what I am telling you. There’s something we are not getting in this lesson of life. I then devised a plan of action that I would like to share. It is so simple, but not easy for us.
 I am going to be transparent with you, and put our dirty laundry out there a bit. My husband and I do not pray together. We do not read the scriptures together. We do not spend much time together, because there is always “something that needs to be done.” I pray with the kids, and on my own, but I think a big thing missing in our lives is that prayer done together. I know it will bring us closer as husband and wife, and I think it will help us learn what we should. I also think it will help us make better decisions for the family. These are all pluses. There is not a downside to prayer, not a one!

So why haven't we been doing this already? Especially when we know we are supposed to. The only answer I can come up with is that the enemy has dug his claws into us, and prevented us from the desire to do. When we are deep in a weakness, that dang sneaky snake can feel so powerful, but he honestly is so weak. We have already shown how much stronger we are than him, because we are still here fighting the fight, and he is stuck and miserable. This knowledge helps me remember that I am stronger that any evil. I can do good and be good, even when I feel so weak.

For this next week, my husband and I are going to try to say at least one prayer in the morning together, and read some scripture each day. I want to invite you to do the same if you aren't already. If you don't have a husband or wife, then pick someone that you love dearly whom you can pray with each day for the next week. I would love to hear from you what you learned from the experience.

I can tell you that in each of my prayers, one question in the forefront I have for my kind and loving Father in Heaven is this, “What would you like me to learn today, Lord?” James 1:5 says: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that give to all men liberally, and without reproach; and it shall be given him.

Until next week,

LeaI love you.

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