Monday, December 14, 2015

Jenn’s Journey

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Hi and happy Monday! Enjoy a hot peppermint mocha or a spicy holiday drink  and take a little time off with me. I am glad you stopped by.

"This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army; for the battle is not yours, but God’s." 2 Chronicles 20:15

This is a verse I have claimed many times. It has brought me great comfort. In fact, God won a battle for me the other day, one I've been at for quite awhile. Sometimes, when I finally see the answer to a prayer, it feels surreal for a few minutes. I can't say that I never felt discouraged while waiting for this particular answer, nor did I never feel afraid. At times, the 'army' against me did indeed feel unbeatable Yet, after those few minutes of feeling shocked to see the answer in black and white, I was able to jump up and down, share with a few close friends and say my utmost thanks to God.

We all have battles…against our own natures, against what life has thrown our way: the effort to pay the bills, the effort to keep relationships strong, and against 'powers' that seem invincible. It's easy to lose hope. That's when we need a friend or two to stand in the gap until we feel stronger again. I think often of the story in Exodus 17 where the Israelites were in a battle against enemies. God asked Moses to stand, with his arms up, over the battle. When his arms were up, God's people prevailed and when his hands fell down, they began to lose. Two men, Aaron and Hur, came next to Moses, gave him a stone to sit on. Then, one on either side of him, held up his arms until the battle was won.

This, my friends, is what we must be to one another. We must hold each other up until the battles are won. Many times when I have felt weary, I've heard from a friend who says "I'm praying for you" or "I'm thinking of you." I have many friends and family who I KNOW will pray for me at a moment's notice when I am feeling down or weak, or as though hope is nowhere in sight.

The world around us is getting darker. Not only are we called to be His light to our neighbors, we are called to bear one another's burdens. How we do this may look different in each situation. It requires prayer and a listening ear for His prompting. Some battles will be won easily; some will require a great deal of blood, sweat and tears. The good news is we will one day prevail over it all. May that day come quickly!

If you have Aaron and Hur in your life, thank them today! If you can, BE an Aaron or Hur to someone today.

Until next week, be blessed,


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