Just Before Christmas- Dedicated to the Victims of the San Bernardino Shooting
It was just weeks before Christmas in a fairly large town
Something happened to turn most every smile into a frown
Hundreds of first responders were told to go
To the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino
A horrific tragedy which took fourteen innocent lives
And twenty-one others almost met their demise
All throughout the county, many questions of motive spread
At the forefront, one of terrorism which sent a spirit of dread
Immediately investigations began so as to get to the truth
Eventually the FBI stepped in and they sent many a sleuth
Why would they do this; what could motivate such hate
The carnage was unspeakable, the emotional pain too great
No words can describe what those involved have gone through
The first responders, the victims and those who knew them too
No there’s never a good time for such a tragedy as this
But why at Christmastime, a season of joy, peace and bliss
The Governor was scheduled to light the Capitol’s Christmas tree
But this event was cancelled because of this senseless tragedy
Of course we have to wonder why bad things like this happened
Involving innocent lives, in a season of joy that is now dampened
How will we respond to such a senseless and horrific tragedy?
As a follower of Christ, what now is our responsibility?
I know You say we are not to live in fear
But Jesus, can you give us some answers here?
God the Father and the Son were watching all of this from up above
Tears of sadness streaming down their faces & their hearts full of love
Jesus looked down at all of His kids below
For those who were seeking Him, like all those years ago
For the families of the victims and first responders one and all
He beckoned more angels to answer His mighty call
To surround all of them with a powerful unending love
And hoped they would each know it was from them above
For everyone else, He wanted them to know
The time is drawing near for us all to go
To a place where there will be no more tears,
No tragedies like this, no pain, suffering, no fears
He looked to His Father wishing He could reveal that time
When all this evil would cease; there would be no more crime
He and the Father watched as the day of Christmas came close
Looking for those who believed despite the juxtapose
Yes, they scanned the billions of homes and every family
Their hearts pausing at the many in churches singing joyfully
Ah, this is what matters, Jesus exclaimed with tears in His eyes
Not all the spending, extending, pretending; those are just lies
He shook His head, turned to His Father and together they rejoiced
Over all the worshippers singing, sounding as one voice
Father, I’m thankful they have the meaning of Christmas still in their heart
That they are singing and they know our Spirit from them won’t depart
But there’s still too many who don’t seem to understand
That evil really doesn’t happen at my or your command
Father looked to Jesus, shook His head sadly a minute or two
No, that shooting in San Bernardino was definitely not me or you
I know they wonder why we couldn’t stop this senseless tragedy
But the shooters were both in their own cruel reality
A reality filled with radicalism, revenge and avenging too
But they just won’t understand until they are with me and you
In the meantime, we will prove our promise of Romans 8:28 to all
And sooner or later they will hear the trumpet’s mighty call
Bringing all the saints together for a joyous celebration
As is spoken about over and over in the book of Revelation
They both worked together to send down an outburst of love
From the Father and Son who still reign above
Yes, they will reign on and over this earth one day
And their sovereignty will surely have the final say
In the meantime, we must all try as we might
To outshine this heavy darkness and strive to be His light
To make sure that our lives speak of the hope of eternity
Convincing others this pain and suffering is just temporary
So let’s fix our eyes on the One who helps us overcome
All challenges, trials and tragedies that will lead us home
And though there is good and evil here on this earth
Our sins have been covered by the Christ Child’s birth…
And nothing can change that!
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