Spring has sprung, at least here in Florida. I wake up each morning to a fresh blanket of humidity and 80 degree weather. At least it’s not hot yet. Spring brings other delights and I am reminded of annual spring cleaning. I do my “spring cleaning” in January so I can open my windows and not worry about the rather large bugs and mosquitos coming in. With the birds chirping in the background I still feel the urge to clean something out.
What about my brain? It goes along with taking every thought captive. What if I cleared out the old way of thinking and replaced it with shiny new thinking? How does one do that? Well, the simple answer: we need to take the negative self-talk and replace it with God’s truth.
2nd Corinthians 10:5 – “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Let me share some examples of old thoughts and what I am using to clean and make new:
Old thought: I need to make them sorry for what they did.
New thought: God will take revenge (Deut. 32:35)
Old thought: I am forgotten and alone.
New thought: He remembers me and will bless us. He’s a good Daddy (Psalms 115:12)
Old thought: God doesn’t care about me or what I want.
New thought: I have a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11)
Old thought: They hurt me, how come they get away with it?
New thought: The Lord will take care of them too (John 21:20-22)
How about you? What’s happening in your personal life that is affecting your thoughts and your mood? What do you have going on in your head? Do you need to do some spring cleaning and replace some old with new? Write down what you are feeling and then find a scripture that shows a more positive truth. If you repeat the positive enough, it will replace your once negative truth. Throw the old thoughts out and bask in the newness of your mind.
Springing forward in His truth,
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