Monday, May 30, 2016

Jenn's Journey

Good morning, friends. I hope you are enjoying your long weekend. As you celebrate, please take time to remember those who have sacrificed for our freedom. Take a moment to pray for this country of ours, too! Grab a cup of coffee or tea and relax…it's a holiday!
I'm up early this morning. The birds are just beginning to sing, which is my favorite time of day, and the darkness is fading into light. I've been struggling with what to share this week. So often my blogs have been written out of my pain, or a difficulty I've experienced, and the lessons I've learned. Right now, I feel like I am having a mountaintop experience after being in the valley for a long, long time. I am so grateful.
I get inspired by memes that I see on Facebook. I save the ones that speak to me the most. In fact, I have so many saved to my phone I may have to weed them out one of these days. The one that spoke to me this week is: "Those mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb." Think about that for a minute. 
 Life tends to pile more onto us than we can handle. Anger, political unrest, abuse, loss, tragedies, death, divorce, broken relationships, addictions…the list could go on. Everywhere people are staggering under the loads they carry. I've been there. I just happen to be in a moment where I've stepped on top of the mountain.
Not for one minute do I think I've accomplished this on my own. Nor do I believe that I won't ever have to climb another mountain. What I do know is this: there is Someone who has shown me that not only will He help me climb the mountain, He will shoulder the load. It's taken me awhile to learn this and accept the help He gives freely.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28. What are you carrying, friend? What mountain do you need Him to carry you up? His promise of rest is waiting for you. 
Until next week, be blessed,


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