Let us Bow our Head and…Gossip?
“Proverbs 20:10: He
who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets; therefore, do not associate
with one who flatters with his lips.

Have you
ever been written off, as if you didn’t ever exist in someone’s life and you’re
left to wonder why? What could I have done so horribly wrong that they want
nothing to do with me? Oh, but it stings worse than the sting of a bee, doesn’t
In one of my
studies I’ve been working through I read something that not only revealed an
explanation, at least for my most recent experience with this type of
circumstance, but some good ole’ God-loving conviction, too!
To give
credit to the author, Joyce Meyer, I was working in my Battlefield of the Mind
devotion and workbook, Chapter 13 to be exact – I’ve been in this chapter a
long time and now I know why – titled A Judgmental, Critical and Suspicious
Mind. I’ve learned more in this chapter – I have to share this big nugget: the
more we think about something or someone, the more likely we form
opinions…usually negative! – Okay, I’ll try and stay on track here, but suffice
it to say that digesting that nugget helped me to chew on what I’m about to
we can put too much trust in others and when they let us down, we fall
down…hard. Let me ask you something, kind of personal but let’s keep it real:
do you find yourself sliding down that slippery slope of gossip right after
your friend who began the slipping…of the tongue? It’s easy to get caught up in
it, isn’t it? And then if we are” Christians,” we may close the subject with
something like, we’ll just have to pray for her/him, or about the situation.
My own
personal favorite – and it still is because it actually is a great way to
derail the gossip, goes like this: we need to pray to be part of the solution,
not part of the problem.
Well, what I
read in this chapter has rendered me convicted and convinced. See, there is a
HUGE difference between discernment and suspicion. If we have suspicions about
someone, we just can’t help but tell them to whoever we deem needs to know, and
it is rarely, if ever, about anything positive! Discernment, on the other hand,
will cause us to pray to our Truth Revealer, the only One who knows ALL things.
See, one who
is truly discerning is able to recognize both good and bad, and then pray about
it, while the suspicious mind focuses only on the negative and has to go shout
it on the mountain…to someone!
In an effort
to stay in my own car, and my own lane, I began to practice this, to dissect
when I was being suspicious and when I was being discerning. I am embarrassed
to tell you how many times I caught myself right before I shared what I thought
to be a discerning thought only to be forced to sit in my suspicions for a few
seconds and then bow my head in prayer!

Oh to trust
You, Lord, completely and others discreetly!
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