Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

Five-Finger Prayer
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Mantra & Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United! Grab your favorite break-time beverage and let’s go ties some knots in our faith through a five-finger prayer!

I have had the privilege of being a table leader for our Discover class at our church and I have to say, I think what I’m enjoying the most is the nuggets I am getting in the classrooms of life and in this classroom! I love learning new things, especially when it comes to growing my spiritual self.  And then, of course, I love to share what I’ve learned with a heart that hopes to encourage you in your journey in the classrooms of life. Psalm 138:8 tells us that he will perfect that which concerns you and me, and that He will not forsake the work of His hands, meaning us! What a comfort.

So, first, to make this even more real for you, get a piece of paper and a pen and then trace your hand…go ahead, do it! It will be fun.

Okay. Now, looking at your hand-traced hand, whether it be your right or left, let’s start with your thumb. Thumbs up, those we pray first are usually the ones closes to us, so inside the thumb, put “those closes to me.” Then the next finger is your pointer finger, which is analogous to those people in your life who point you in the right direction, so write in “Leaders in my life” in that finger. Now that third finger…uh-huh, that’s the middle finger, also known as the middle finger and that finger is to remind you to pray for your…enemies! So write “enemies, or even personalize it and put a few unlovable people’s names in that finger. And then the ring finger, did you know it’s considered the weakest finger? Oh, my goodness, what beautiful symbolism, especially if there’s a wedding ring on it! Anyway, that finger is to remind you to pray for the weak, those less fortunate than you and I so in that finger, write “Weak, those in need.”

And then finally we have the pinky, which is to remind you to pray for yourself, so write “self” in that finger.  Do you pray for yourself, friend? Many of us are so concerned about others that we may forget to pray for ourselves, but just like the fingers on a hand, every one of them has a purpose…and so do you! So next time you get ready to pray, remember all of your fingers to accomplish a five-finger prayer!


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