Friday, April 7, 2017

Faith Filled Friday

Hello and welcome back to Faith Filled Friday...
So when is failure really failure? Is it the moment we fall? Is it the moment someone else crosses the finish line first? I think we as a society tend to look at one another and subconsciously judge them as failures. We don't see the time they’ve invested, the sweat of their hard work. We don't know how many times they have fallen and gotten back up. I have lived a pretty hard life of constantly falling, yet I never fail. Why? Because no matter how long or hard it is to get back up, I get back up. People looking at me seem to always have suggestions and answers yet they never invest the time to get to know me or see the progress I make, though at a much slower pace than most.

So again I ask the question when is 'failure' really failure? I know if I looked at failing when I fall, I'd still be down. I won't lie; I used to think I pretty much failed at everything I attempt to tackle. But inch by inch I get there. Do I wish I could do things faster, correct the first time, better than most? ABSOLUTELY! But I have to be OK with myself at my own pace. I cannot judge myself based on others. 

I so remember my school days of everyone else reading through the homework quickly and I was left sitting there to read and re-read the paragraphs over and over again. It was so disheartening. I just know that a person is not failing till he or she refuses to keep at it. If anything, falling is a wake-up call to motivate the mind.
As this mind has become older I have learned to start re-gauge each moment, thought and expression not only for myself, but toward others. I certainly don't see things or even myself the same way I used to in my 20's, 30's or maybe even yesterday. Every moment in life is full of moments to succeed at everything. I am doing my best to rethink things and not always be so affected or feel so down by the way I see, think or hear people critiquing me. Far too much of my life has been about trying to make everyone happy around me. 

I have always loved to bring plants back from the brink of peril. I can think back to my boyhood and when I saw a plant that someone tossed out while out on a walk I'd grab it because something in me wanted to help the plant not only live on but to grow to something better. I once moved to a home where the plant in the front yard was quite small and it looked dead. The tips of the plant in fact were dead, no leaves to be found. But after scraping the plant near its base I found it to still be alive. My landlord wanted to just rip it out but I convinced him and his wife to let me try and see what I could do with it.
Year after year it got better and better. It started growing again; some years it retreated. But I kept at it. Before I moved out and after 10 to 11 years of living there it was beautiful. It had come to even be drought-resistant. When it bloomed I felt so amazing and full of satisfaction. I find these things in these moments that most don't seem to care much about. But that's ok, for it's my effort and my satisfaction I guess that counts, and I share that with the other half of the moment with that plant now. We did something together. Sure it's just a plant to some people, but to me... well, I see an extension of myself and something I did in the world. It's how I succeed; it's how I grow but most importantly it's how I love. 
The other day my old neighbor sent me a picture of the plant. It was looking so vibrant and doing so well. It's nice to see something I took the time to love and care for keep going strong. I am not always so blessed like that. Attached you will see the picture. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Keep at it everyone! Things might not be around the next corner; in fact they might be around several corners later.

Much love, 


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