Thank you
for joining us for Monday’s Mantra and Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench
Classes United. I hope this mantra will seep into your heart and rise up in
your life.
Many of us
have heard the first couple lines of the Serenity Prayer, which are pretty
powerful, but there is even more potent power in the lines that follow,
particularly the fourth line which reads: “Accepting
hardship as a pathway to peace”! The
first time I read that, I thought, what
in the world… how in the world… Kind of sounds like an oxymoron, huh?
Or how about
when we pray for something…and pray…and pray some more, and when the answer
comes, because it doesn’t look like what we thought it should, our focus is
still on the issue we’re praying about?
Jesus Himself say, “In this world you will have trouble, but take
heart, I have overcome the world”?
Okay, okay,
I know, you’ve heard all of this before so let me get to the point: what if we
were to look not at our trials and troubles, but through them? If life is a
journey, a long road, we all know there are lots of turns, and sometimes we
take the wrong turn and have to make a U-turn to get back on track. Usually
it’s because we missed our turn, for whatever reason; we weren’t paying attention,
or we couldn’t see it, or we struggle in and with new surroundings, new
territory, in other words, change. But no matter the reason, it’s usually
because the focus of our attention is on the wrong thing: the struggle!
Trials and
troubles are the same way. They sort of work like detours, traps if you will,
to get our focus off of Him who leads us to and through a trial or trouble, and
instead, we are left honing in on that trial or trouble and magnifying it so
much that our vision is obscured from our Guide in the journey of life.
What if we
were to stop looking at our trials
and troubles and begin to look through
those trials and troubles as ways to give us a better spiritual focus, so much
so that even the hardships were stepping stones in each of our pathways to
Walking the
pathway of peace,
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