Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tam’s Trench Truth

Welcome to Tam’s Trench Truth with Trench Classes United! Come on in.

This week I have been trying to understand why is it that the older I get, the more anxious I am about clutter. I can literally feel it almost like a weight on my chest sometimes. Running my own business requires me to keep a lot of paperwork and that in itself adds to it in a big way but I feel like I am on a constant tactical mission to downsize by selling or donating things to the Salvation Army. 

After my last move almost three years ago, this anxiety really hit me hard. I guess when you have to move what you own, you are really going to feel every pound and every truckload of it. It sounds like a lot of the emotional things I carry as well. We have to carry our emotions and feelings everywhere we go. But the struggle is also that we don't want to let things go. For example, there are some material things which we are attached to by way of memory; it reminds us of the good times we had with others.

I learned to start taking pictures of material things, but then I noticed the pictures start building up and need organizing. Isn’t that true with our emotions, too? We find ways to shuffle or even compact things into tighter and tighter spaces, tucking them away, not really dealing with them. But at some point we simply have to let things go.

I'd give any material thing I own away if it could erase the memories of my childhood abuse. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Prayers and education into understanding all these things are the only way. Giving it to God is a must but we must give it in full but I’m not quite there. I haven’t stopped trying and that has to be good enough to keep driving me forward. In addition to the childhood abuse, I am a Veteran that deals with PTSD. And to think I’ve been called pathetic before!

I find myself praying for the one who said that to me. Maybe this is how, bit by bit, inch by inch, I am letting it go. It's not just about letting go but forgiving. It's funny how I came across this thought by writing out my blog just now. True healing in motion happens before ur eyes. Healing is surely done "inch by inch and row by row" (to copy some of the lyrics from John Denver there.)

Much love, and let us pray for one another, that forgiveness would come in the revealing and healing process, bit by bit.


~John Tam

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Happy Wednesday! Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United.  I’m so glad you stopped by. Come on in.
Have you ever wanted something so bad that it became a sort of focus, started taking up so much space in your head and heart…without paying rent? And the more time that goes by without that something or someone, don’t we question the reality of God, His will for our lives, the calling on our lives?
I have, many times and those desires have involved many things. For years now, I’ve wanted a literary agent for a myriad of reasons…only to be told, over and over again, I’m not what they’re looking for, or my writing isn’t what they are looking for. “The competition is fierce and we have to be incredibly selective.” Ouch…that one stung.
Recently it was brought to my attention that several credentialed people whom I have admired and respected struggle with the four-part curriculum that I and my former therapist wrote because I am not credentialed and don’t have enough education.  The funny thing about that is I am yearning for more learning, and yet, He has me in my own classroom, an organization that teaches those willing to look at their history how to change some of the cycles perpetuated in their history because some history is just not worth repeating!
I can’t help but wonder, if I had my bachelor’s degree, would that bring acceptance? Doesn’t God say that He will use the simple to confound the wise? (1st Cor. 1:27). Oh, how I love and desperately need the Word of God. Sometimes I wish I could just lose myself in it, become so wrapped up in it that nothing else matters.
In my struggle to understand His will and His ways, He reminded me of something I read last year about credentials. It seems fitting to share it; after all, maybe there’s someone else out there who needs to be reminded that He doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called! We are called for something which will influence someone. We just need to keep the Caller as our focus and not so much the calling!
I was reading in the book of 1st Corinthians, written by Paul, a radical example of how God can change and call someone and in the calling, equip! These are credentials we all should strive for, credentials that Paul demonstrated consistently and there are 32 of them! Don’t worry; I won’t go through all 32! J J J I just thought I’d hit 7 of them.
1.      Commissioned by God-How do we know we are commissioned by Him? There is no striving. There may be struggle but no striving. What’s the difference? You can struggle and still have peace; striving involves our own agenda!
2.      Speak truthfully-But how we speak it, oh, Coffee Hour Friend, that makes all the difference in the world.
3.      Holy-Spirit inspired-Every one of us has the equipping to do anything He calls us to because of He who resides within us. What would it look like if we were to live like we are partnering with His Spirit within us?
4.      Live what we speak-Actions speak so much louder than words, don’t they?
5.      Do not lose heart-Meaning don’t give up, even when the calling, or the challenge looks outrageous and crazy-like, because He works in ways that are beyond our understanding. We must remember that it’s the journey that equips us for the calling and His word promises in Galatians6:9 Do not grow weary in doing good for in due time you shall reap a harvest if you do not lose heart.” In other words, don’t stop!
6.      Endure persecution: I think of Noah, Paul, David, just a few who answered the call despite the lack of credentials!
7.      Stay humble: Hmmm, I guess I could count these rejections as God’s way of keeping me humble and totally dependent upon Him!
These are the seven that I’m yearning to learn and perfect in the school of life. I often say I may not have the degrees of man and universities, but I sure have, at a minimum, a Master’s in the school of life’s experiences!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Welcome to our Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and our Tuesday’s Trench Truth with Trench Classes United. Come on in for a moment of truth…revealed in the answers to a couple of questions.
When we see a fire, we do one of two things: we run like crazy or we stop and stare. When something happens to scare you, or someone does something to hurt you, what do you do? Do you Face Everything and Rise…or do you Flee Everything and Run?
Adversity is not meant to be ran from; rather, walked through
So why do we run? Join us to learn your answers to these profound questions at our Night of Purpose, an introduction to Living Fearlessly!

I can’t wait to see you


Monday, August 28, 2017

Megan’s Monday Mantra

DOG spelled backwards is GOD!

For those of you who have never had the privilege of tracking a dog, it is difficult to describe the wonder of the experience...

Welcome to Coffee Hour at Chicklit Power and Megan’s Monday Mantra, with Trench Classes United.
Curl up with your favorite fur-kids and find out how my dog and a tracking test gave me an invaluable peek into how God works!

The tracking test is specifically designed to demonstrate a dog’s natural ability to follow a scent.
Picture a stranger walking around a large field. He makes a few left turns and a few right turns, going 50 to 120 yards between each turn. By the time he has finished, he has covered almost 500 yards of the field. An hour later, you and your dog arrive at the field and are expected to re-trace the exact footsteps taken by the stranger - site unseen!

On an early November morning, in the agricultural fields south of San Diego, I stood at the start line of a track with my Boxer, Huckleberry.  To calm my nerves, I decided to equate following Huckleberry over paths unknown to what it might feel like to follow God’s will. After all, when you track a dog, the dog is completely in charge only he knows how to use his nose to follow the track. Only he knows where he is leading you!

The Lord has a sense of humor. Since I was willing to experience how it felt to follow His will, He graciously included some of the stages one goes through as they attempt to discern His will…

Once Huckleberry picked up the scent of the track, my confidence surged. As he gained momentum, I found it more difficult to keep up, even though I had a firm hold of his 30-foot tracking line. As one turn led to another, I worried Huck might track us over the Mexican border. J J  When it took more time than I expected, I questioned the Lord as to how much longer would it be. Eventually the track did end … another 110 yards away! We passed the test and Huckleberry got his Tracking Dog Title.

Blindly following my dog over paths unknown and having to fully trust in the direction he was taking me was a powerful experience in learning what it truly felt like to follow and trust God’s will.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct your paths.  (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV)

Faithfully trust in God’s will - and He will certainly direct your paths!

Your comments are always most welcome.

Lovingly in Christ,


Friday, August 25, 2017

Foster’s Faith Filled Friday

Foster’s Faith Filled Friday
Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Foster’s Faith-Filled Friday, a series written by a young single mom in the journey of life!
Learning to be a “good enough” mom…
Does that phrase “good enough” sound terrible to you? Please let me explain.
Being a “good enough” mother does not mean loving my children one bit less. Instead, it allows them to grow, mature, and become independent, characteristics necessary for them to live a successful life. Understanding this concept really took the pressure off me.

It is one week before my sons 4th birthday and I find myself almost ready to pull my hair out wanting to make his party the best construction-themed birthday party he’s ever had! You know, one of those Pinterest parties which you imagine it turning out like…until you realize the amount of work it is! L

Working Monday-Friday 8-5pm, then picking my son up to run to the store to get supplies, decorations and gifts, getting home every night at 8pm has taken a toll on the both of us. We’re tired. I needed to find rest…

So, I began to change the way I thought about motherhood. Believe me; this was not easy. 
Luckily, before my week unraveled any further, I had a life-changing realization:
Feeling inadequate is not easy. And again, I realize how insignificant the details of this party are to my almost 4 year old. He doesn’t care about the dessert cards or the over-the-top decorations. You know what he cares about? His family and friends being there to celebrate with him, feeling loved and acknowledged.

After that realization, I felt like I could breathe again, I simply can’t raise my son, work full time and also execute Martha-Stewart worthy birthday parties. But you know what? That’s okay! Really! I’ve decided to permanently take off my Super Woman cape. I’m going to cease the super human expectations, take a breath and focus on the one thing I can do. Sometimes that one thing is sitting down playing trains with my sweet boy and sometimes that one thing means putting a movie on and just chilling on the couch.

No, I don’t always float around on a cloud of peaceful acceptance, not at all. I’m tired. I grieve. I get sad. I pray and reach out to friends. I’ve simply learned and accepted that I can’t do it all!
If things were to change, I was the one who had to change, from the inside out.

What was the first step in reclaiming my balance? I had to kick the whole idea of Supermom to the curb.

Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”



Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tam’s Trench Truth

Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Tam’s Trench Truth with Trench Classes United. Today, John brings us face to face with a reality that truly needs to be looked upon! Come on in.

This last week I had an incident on social media that roped me in. I can see so much hate being thrown around these days like it's become a socially accepted attitude. This hatred expressed the other day incited a desire to defend the people that were being attacked online. I was outnumbered, of course, and although I kept it respectful and didn't get mad. I was called a Nazi, a bigot, to name a couple of the hateful things.

Hatred has become so evident on so many mediums that it has all but seemed to kill the idea of compromise and talking in an effort to understand one another.

I have really been trying to live a more calm and peaceful lifestyle this last year for a couple reasons: physically, my body just can’t endure the stress, and emotionally, it’s just better…not always easier but definitely better. I consistently pray for God to calm my nerves and help me with the things I am going through not only physically but emotionally.

Last year, I determined in my soul that I would try and avoid getting roped into types of conversations that are vulgar, full of hatred and accusations. These conversations, arguments/fights never seem to go anywhere than to leave me feeling high levels of stress. I have done better for the most part; however, not so this last time. It really got to me as one of the people on the other side was a friend I had grown up with.

To see how politics take people and divide them against each other... well, I just couldn’t be quiet about that.

I can't support hate groups, or violence; I can't support people who run over other people because they hate them and want to cause them physical harm or punitive harm. But I also know I can't support this part of social media that seems to increase all this hatred and evil. So once again I move to keep myself from being roped in.

It's so hard because I care so much about the world we live in. I want people to find compromise and help one another. We will always have people different than us but that makes the world just more interesting. Can you imagine if we all were the same? If we looked, acted, loved all the same? 

I know one thing about the world and what it's missing more and more every day: It's missing compromise. It is missing ears that listen to hear instead of ears that listen to defend and react.

If love really is the answer it's because it carries one thing we all constantly need more of: Compromise. I started not only asking God for strength to get through these things that really affect me, but to also grant me the wisdom and mindset to try and understand and feel what others feel that are different than me.

Please join me in prayer this evening and pray for the world; pray for those different than us; pray for amazing compromise. Please pray for those who do hate and want to cause other people physical harm. Pray that we take more notice in the beauty out there instead of the drama unfolding on social media and the news at ever corner and intersection of our lives. Find something beautiful, like this sunflower, and get completely lost in it. :)

May God inspire us to let the Holy Spirit fill people with good things, the most of which I'd like to think is love for unconditional love is a form of compromise.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Priorities: Opportunities or Necessities

Thanks so much for joining us for Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. I truly love our Coffee Hours, a time to share these downloads I get in real time; in other words, I’m learning as I go and sharing as I learn. J Come on in for the latest download that I pray you will be able to upload and use in your own life.
When this year started, I determined in my heart to live like I’m living…in other words, play hard, not just work hard, and not live like I’m dying.  Balancing that determination with my husband/home, my court-reporting job and the ministry He has entrusted me with has been another story.

I felt like Cyndi Lauper singing “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”!
What’s crazy is as long as I am doing things with Him, not just for Him, I can do all things! But when my priorities are out of order, well, I can only imagine how I must look to our Heavenly Father as He looks down at me chasing my tail, really, which is sort of symbolic to chasing acceptance in a group, in my job, church, or focusing on what others think of me, or pursuing fun that doesn’t reflect my faith. How does one have it all?

Well I guess it depends on whose approval we are striving for, whose opinion matters the most to us. 

Did you know that before God gave Moses the 10 Commandments that there were 613 others the Jews had to try and live by in order to be deemed righteous?  I don’t know about you, but I think if I had to memorize, let alone follow, 613 commandments in order to be considered a follower of God, well, I’d probably fail before I started!

What does all this have to do with priorities? I’m so glad you asked. You see, God made it real simple for us to keep our priorities in order through His Son Jesus; He’s not really as complicated as we make Him out to be.J How did He make it simple?

Well, before Jesus paid the ultimate price for us and abolished the need to follow 613 plus 10 commandments, He spoke to all of us and narrowed that 623 commandment gap down to TWO!  And He completely avoided a trap that the religious leaders were setting for Him in the process.  In Mark 12:30-32, Jesus was asked which is the first – meaning the most important – commandment and Jesus replied “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” And then He went on to add the second commandment that He considered “like the first”: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Now I don’t know about you, but that first commandment looks a bit daunting, overwhelming, but the closer we get to our God, the more we’ll want to be with Him, so it actually becomes easier to love Him with all of our being, all of our actions, all of our mind. 
Very simply put: Do our priorities cause us to neglect God and neglect others? Is it a priority because it’s an opportunity to love God and others, or is it more self-serving? When I dare to ask myself these questions, and honestly answer it, oftentimes I need to re-evaluate and negotiate back to my First Love.

Coffee Hour Friend, I have learned over and over again that when we are pursuing our First Love, there will not be a last love. When His opinion is the first and last that matters, nothing else will really matter. It is then that our lives will come alive and we will no longer live like we’re dying from all the striving.

So when the world tosses us choices of all types, may we consciously choose to stand firm, get off the see-saw and out of the tug of war that has us bouncing up and down, side to side and keep our feet planted in Him who has already accepted us and approved us. His relentless and lavish love will have us living life alive!


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth and Invitation, Too!

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Tuesday’s Trench Truth with Trench Classes United. Grab your coffee and come on in for a moment of truth.

Have you ever felt as though you just weren’t good enough…to be invited to things with certain people, to be included in this group or that group, or by this person or that person, or be hired by this company or that company for this job or that job?

It’s a horrible feeling, one that can leave us empty of the will to even participate in the journey of life. What’s incredibly challenging about this “feeling” is no matter how much “self-improvement” we’ve done, this feeling can slither on up into our souls without us even realizing it and settle on in. And thereafter, its presence directs us to choices we make out of a need to fit in, to belong, to feel as though we are part of something, someone exciting and alive.

The truth is that all of these “feelings” are fear based which is driven by our need to belong…somewhere with someone!

Join us for our upcoming Night of Purpose, an introduction to Living Fearlessly and discover what fears drive our choices, good and not so good!

Overcoming insecurities…

Monday, August 21, 2017

Megan’s Mantra

“I think you’d get a laugh, if you saw a tall giraffe, swinging by his tail from a tree,
I think an octopus would look quite ridiculous knitting sweaters at the bottom of the sea …”

Did I get your attention? Great! Mission accomplished.
Welcome to Coffee Hour at Chicklit Power and Megan’s Monday Mantra, with Trench Classes United.

The above ditty is from Danny Kaye’s “Tubby the Tuba at the Circus.” It was on the very first album I had as a child. I memorized every word of it.  I caught this catchy little tune playing around in my head a few days ago and I realized its message is just as important today as it was then.

The song, being sung by a sympathetic elephant to a disenchanted Tubby, continues …
“Be yourself - you can’t be anybody else.
Be yourself, is my advice to you
or else you’ll always be a nobody
so, be yourself, or else!”

How many times in my past did I observe someone and wish I possessed a quality they had? How many times did I wish my life was more like someone else’s life or wish I was more like someone else?

When I was 17, I was the fastest hot-dog maker at the Sea World in Ohio. I could steam, bag, and load the hot dogs into their bins in record time, which kept me in the hot and humid main snack bar for the duration of the summer. I seriously doubted this talent would ever serve me well. I longed to be gifted like the animal trainers, or accomplished like the managers. Yet, this seemingly insignificant skill-set, in all of its various forms, has weaved its way through my life, blessing me and making all the difference.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (ESV) “Now there are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but the same God who empowers them all in everyone.”

I have often wondered why it is so easy to recognize other people’s gifts and talents but not our own.
Tubby the Tuba wanted to sing like a piccolo and fly like an acrobat, never dreaming his “Um-Pah” could make the elephants dance as they have never danced before!

Are you aware your own gift or talent could make the elephants dance as they have never danced before?

I think that you’d be happiest
by being no one else but you.”

Your comments are always most welcome.

Lovingly in Christ,


Friday, August 18, 2017

Foster’s Faith Filled Friday

Welcome once again to another Foster’s Faith-Filled Friday with Brianna! I’m sure you’re going to be able to relate with her! Grab your coffee and come on in.

Ever have those times when you have a lot more month at the end of your money? Where you aren't sure what your next move is? Questioning whether God is hearing your prayers, because at this moment in time it feels like He's completely ignoring you? Oh man, this week has been rough and I'm feeling a little ignored. And let me tell you, when I feel ignored, I can throw one heck of a pity party. Next time I throw one, you are more than welcome to join, you know, misery loves company. (Totally kidding, I don't even want to be at these parties) J J

Let me tell you what; trials are a part of our journey in life. Sometimes they make us and other times they break us and piece us together into something different. Either way, we come out of these difficulties a different person than we were when we went in. That is the purpose of trials.

Some turn to God in their difficulties, but what happens when we feel that God has abandoned us and forced us to face the darkness alone? We lose sight of the bigger picture. I remember my dad telling me once "sometimes when you feel like God is ignoring you, He's actually disciplining you." I never understood what that really meant until recently. I lie in bed and think "Wow, my dad is so right!"
I need to remember that God in fact never ignores us. Quite frankly He doesn't want us to suffer, per say, but we do because we are human. 

Do you almost isolate yourself from others when walking through trials because you don't want to burden people with your problems? I can tend to do that, but I’m learning that I'm not meant to suffer alone. It is okay to allow ourselves to vent and confide in our trusted friends, family, significant others, people whom we trust and respect to help guide us through troubled times and hold our hand when our hearts are heavy and we need some cheering up.

Isolating ourselves causes loneliness and depression and it essentially robs us of the hope we have in Christ. I guess what I’m trying to offer here, Coffee Hour Friend, is allow people to encourage you, support you and help keep you grounded!
Remember, God never abandons His children. God is a God of love. You are his precious, beautiful child and although He may at times test you, He will never, ever forsake you. Of this promise you can be sure. Believe in Him and keep moving forward. I leave you with this passage of scripture that is picking me up and out of my pity party:

Hebrews12: 4-11: 4In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 5And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, ‘My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,6because the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”[a]

 7Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? 8 If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 9Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 10They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. 
11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Disciplined in His love…

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tam’s Trench Truth

Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Tam’s Trench Truth, things he’s learning from the trenches of life. Grab your coffee and come on in.

Hello and welcome back everyone. Hope this all finds you well. When I say I hope this all finds you well, I really mean that. You’re familiar with that saying, “it takes one to know one,” right? I was thinking about this very saying just the other day…and how this applies to me and my brother.

It has often been hard on me to be there for people, and yet I feel people are like my church. I can see them at stop lights beside me and I'll glance over real quick just to see the look on a person's face. Sometimes I see happiness, stress, torment, fear, but the one I pick-up most on is heartbreak. They say it takes one to know one.

In these moments when I see people in this sadness, something in me wants to reach out and hug them, talk to them and lend them a word of encouragement that time will help the heartbreak. Or is it really patience that does? There are so many of us running around working to pay bills, raise children, get to work... yet at the end of the day so many of us are found wanting... wanting of someone to just love and care for us, someone to come home and laugh with, talk with, maybe even fight with when those times are there.

I have never stopped loving anyone I was ever with and regardless of how I was treated I don't want to live bitter. But the most loyal experiences in my life have been with my brother and a dog named Bella. I feel overwhelming gratitude and thanks for all the love I received from my dog Bella while her four paws walked this earth.

And then there’s my brother. We have a strained relationship, but he's my brother and really the only family I think who ultimately cares. Lately I have determined to not be so sad about not having my own family, and focus on what I can change: my relationship with my brother. If I would die for him because I love him, why wouldn’t I first live for him and try and be a better brother.

I have not been the easiest person to get along with and yet he was there when no one else has been. I am definitely my brother's keeper, but I still feel guilty that my needs have left him short of maybe living a different life than what he wanted to. I want to see him fly with a freedom because life has weighed him down. I want to see him spread his wings and attain more things that he wants out of his life. I don't want to be the anchor or the one who keeps him grounded. 

If I can find this sense of satisfaction and joy when helping others then I know I need to reach out and go it a new way as well with and for my brother. I find myself, or should I say I have already found myself trying to change things up with my brother. It's hard to make changes but I love him and he deserves it. I know he has wings that he still needs to flap, to rise into his own fresh world. I find myself praying for my health to better so I don't have to rely on him as much. Usually my prayers have been "God please help me get through work tonight because the pain is so heavy on me." But now though I may pray the same thing, it is for a different reason, for my brother’s well-being as well.

Yes, I am learning to count my blessings, and there’s one right before me, my brother. It’s time for me to treat him as a blessing. Would you all join me in prayer, praying not only for my health and for my pain to subside, but for my brother's to find his wings.

Much love to you all, oh how much I really mean this for all of you whoever you are and wherever you come from

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

There are all Kinds…
Revelation 1:5b: “To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood and has made us kings and priests” -- (witnesses)—“to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever, Amen.”

Thanks so much for stopping by Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and our Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. I just love Wednesdays…and His Word that never, ever fails to steer us in the right direction.

Did you know that you qualify as a witness? Yep, that’s right, a witness to what He has done for you…not what you have done!

I was reading in the Book of Revelation the other day, and this subject of being a witness came up, and He gave me such a great analogy using my job to help me relate and understand in a way I could share with you: court-reporting.  I just love how He does that, speaks to us, about us, for us so He can speak through us.
Anyway, let me share this analogy with you.

There are many types of witnesses, and as a court reporter, I have reported them all. J For example, there are hostile witnesses, those who are angry at being called to testify about what they’ve seen or experienced. There are third-party witnesses, those who say he said/she said; in other words, gossipers, or unrelated parties. And there are those I call unprepared witnesses, those whose answers are 90% “I don’t remember” or “I don’t recall,” and these are usually witnesses for their own case! J Then there are expert witnesses, those called because of their expertise in the subject that the attorneys are there to talk about. And lastly, the most common kind of witness I’ve reported as a court reporter is a percipient witness, or an eyewitness. This is a witness who testifies about what he/she actually has seen, perceived with their own senses.

As I was reading John’s first letter to the churches and to all of us, this thought hit me like a ton of bricks – well, maybe a bit more gently than that – but if we all qualify as witness for Christ, what kind of witness are we?

Are we the hostile witness, angry at or with God because of a tragedy and our need to understand everything?

Do we tend to slip down that slippery slope of gossip in the name of “prayer,” acting as a witness to someone’s misfortune or bad choice, or talking about our own mountains, making them bigger and bigger, instead of looking to the mountain mover? Are we so focused on others that we are a third-party to our own walk with Christ?

Are you the type of witness who forgets all He has done for you, allowing your troubles to outweigh His triumphs in your life? Forgetting to have an attitude of gratitude?

Or are you an expert witness, one who professes their faith and lives it and is paid by His protection, provision and promises and guided by His principles?

Oh, I want to leave a legacy that says: she lived what she knew; she was so in love with Jesus that many considered her an expert in her faith!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth and Invitation, Too!

Sometimes our brain needs a lane change!
Thanks so much for stopping by for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and our Tuesday’s Trench Truth with Trench Classes United. Come on in for a moment of truth that came to the surface of my heart just last week.

Last week, I had an incredibly long drive to what turned out to be a short deposition. But oh, how thankful I am for that long ride to Glendale. I had determined in my mind that I was going to make it a great time of worship and praise, a time for me and Abba to hang out, and a time for me to hear Him above the noise of life. He’s such a joyous God, with a crazy funny sense of humor, and He will go to great lengths to sit us down, causing us to be still so deep can reach out to deep. And the parking lot of the 210 freeway proved to be that quiet place!

The entire two-hour drive was spent listening and agreeing with so many pieces by Hosanna Poetry, words that worked as coals of fire with sparks of conviction into a couple of areas of my life, sparks burning away deeply-buried resentments, resentments that were close to growing roots but now with the cry of repentance melted away like a dying ember.

There were moments of such deep conviction driving me right there in the parking lot of the freeway to cry out for God to forgive me for what had been growing, unbeknownst to me, inside my heart because of an ongoing situation.
And then there were moments of just thanking Him, of feeling His arms reach out and enfold me in a huge and gentle hug all the while keeping the hands on the wheel of my car driving me to my deposition.

What could have been a real bummer of a drive turned out to be such a time of refreshing renewal…it was as if my brain had a lane change!

Coffee Hour friend, sometimes we just need to be still in the most unsuspecting places and times and soak up His presence, allow our brain to experience the ease of a lane change that will propel our heart right back to Him.  What goes in is what comes out!
Are there people, circumstances pulling on your mind, taking you down the roads of resentment, bitter, angry? Join us to learn how to experience that brain lane change and live fearlessly!
