Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Happy Wednesday! Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United.  I’m so glad you stopped by. Come on in.
Have you ever wanted something so bad that it became a sort of focus, started taking up so much space in your head and heart…without paying rent? And the more time that goes by without that something or someone, don’t we question the reality of God, His will for our lives, the calling on our lives?
I have, many times and those desires have involved many things. For years now, I’ve wanted a literary agent for a myriad of reasons…only to be told, over and over again, I’m not what they’re looking for, or my writing isn’t what they are looking for. “The competition is fierce and we have to be incredibly selective.” Ouch…that one stung.
Recently it was brought to my attention that several credentialed people whom I have admired and respected struggle with the four-part curriculum that I and my former therapist wrote because I am not credentialed and don’t have enough education.  The funny thing about that is I am yearning for more learning, and yet, He has me in my own classroom, an organization that teaches those willing to look at their history how to change some of the cycles perpetuated in their history because some history is just not worth repeating!
I can’t help but wonder, if I had my bachelor’s degree, would that bring acceptance? Doesn’t God say that He will use the simple to confound the wise? (1st Cor. 1:27). Oh, how I love and desperately need the Word of God. Sometimes I wish I could just lose myself in it, become so wrapped up in it that nothing else matters.
In my struggle to understand His will and His ways, He reminded me of something I read last year about credentials. It seems fitting to share it; after all, maybe there’s someone else out there who needs to be reminded that He doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called! We are called for something which will influence someone. We just need to keep the Caller as our focus and not so much the calling!
I was reading in the book of 1st Corinthians, written by Paul, a radical example of how God can change and call someone and in the calling, equip! These are credentials we all should strive for, credentials that Paul demonstrated consistently and there are 32 of them! Don’t worry; I won’t go through all 32! J J J I just thought I’d hit 7 of them.
1.      Commissioned by God-How do we know we are commissioned by Him? There is no striving. There may be struggle but no striving. What’s the difference? You can struggle and still have peace; striving involves our own agenda!
2.      Speak truthfully-But how we speak it, oh, Coffee Hour Friend, that makes all the difference in the world.
3.      Holy-Spirit inspired-Every one of us has the equipping to do anything He calls us to because of He who resides within us. What would it look like if we were to live like we are partnering with His Spirit within us?
4.      Live what we speak-Actions speak so much louder than words, don’t they?
5.      Do not lose heart-Meaning don’t give up, even when the calling, or the challenge looks outrageous and crazy-like, because He works in ways that are beyond our understanding. We must remember that it’s the journey that equips us for the calling and His word promises in Galatians6:9 Do not grow weary in doing good for in due time you shall reap a harvest if you do not lose heart.” In other words, don’t stop!
6.      Endure persecution: I think of Noah, Paul, David, just a few who answered the call despite the lack of credentials!
7.      Stay humble: Hmmm, I guess I could count these rejections as God’s way of keeping me humble and totally dependent upon Him!
These are the seven that I’m yearning to learn and perfect in the school of life. I often say I may not have the degrees of man and universities, but I sure have, at a minimum, a Master’s in the school of life’s experiences!

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