Friday, January 12, 2018

Emotions are like waves of the ocean…don’t let them take you under!

Thanks for joining us for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith Filled Friday with Trench Classes United and Ashley! Join us as she shares her heart in this blog.

I have been talking a lot about how to redirect our thinking towards God’s truth, and this week I get to talk about it again because I think God is working out all my kinks when it comes to my thinking.

As I have been sharing this burden with God, He has been revealing to me that I am leaning on my emotions too much and they have been taking a great hold on me lately.

I’m learning that when I allow my emotions to take hold, the enemy uses that vulnerability to slip inside my mind and spew his lies into the lies I’ve already been telling myself. And then I remember versus such as Philippians 4:8: 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. And then I’m fine…for the moment.
See, I could be just fine until one person says something that makes me feel invisible, unloved, and, boom, the emotions flood in like a furious storm that won’t let up, crashing over and over on me.
I try and come up for air for God’s truth and down I go, under the water of my emotions again because the lies seem to be so valid and true as they scream in my face. These emotions are bringing past hurts, anger and pain back up, as if I had never surrendered them at the cross before. It’s a physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausting battle.

This week, as I fought this battle, I cried and cried, asking Him all of my whys, all the while it felt like Satan was laughing in my face. And then the still small whisper of my Abba, “Come this way,” sent me desperately holding tight to Him until another lie pulled me out of His presence.

This war raged for the entire day and into the night.  If I could only see the heavenly hosts in front of me in this war, a war I know now I wasn’t fighting alone, and that God sent His fleet of angels to guard me as these emotions, my flesh and the enemy try to take me down and destroy me. I held tight and kept fighting and kept speaking Gods truth over me, and though it was a drawn-out war that felt at the time that I would lose, His whispers of love spoken over me, over and over again, and His perfect truths He guided me to led me to victory over this battle of the mind. John 14:27 (ESV): 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Trying to understand the whys of our life brings us down and causes us great confusion, hurt, pain, and uncertainty of our worth. But what I know to be true is that they have a heavenly eternal purpose; they make you and me more than we could have ever become without them. Without these whys we’d never lean so desperately into our Heavenly Father, for we know there’s nothing else that can set us free.
The good news is I came out of that night renewed in God’s love, revived, and encouraged.
Remember, Coffee Hour friend, when there’s a battle going on in your mind, listen for the whispers of His love and the guidance of His truths.

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