Friday, January 26, 2018

Waiting is part of the faith-ing process!

Good Morning, Coffee Hour Friends. Come grab a warm cup of coffee and sit with me. Thank you in advance for taking time and joining me for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith Filled Friday with Trench Classes United.

Be still and wait… well, this is not an easy task to tackle.

During this time of being still, come before the Lord with your praise, petitions, and needs. As you come lay your heart out raw and undone, praise Him. When you’re seeking His will, even when He seems to be silent about which way he wants you to go, Praise Him while you wait for His response. 

What do you think when you read these instructions? Easier read than said and done, right?!

My husband and I have been praying for four years now for a new job or career for him.  Many potential jobs would come available…only to be followed by a closed door. This continues to happen. It’s perplexing and frustrating, but in the end, we both have peace because we know those closed doors are His answer at this time and we only want God’s will.

Obviously God is not done using him and working on him at his current job.  So, we wait. And during the wait we praise Him for the financial stability this job brings us. 

Be still and trust, oh another difficult task to succumb to. When you’re angry or hurt, praise Him first. Thank Him for all He has done in every other situation in your life. Sit and Praise Him because when you do His still, calm voice comforts and soothes the very hurt and anger in you.

Be still and trust that these trials and difficulties will build you up in Him more than you were before. He’s refining you and me in the refiner’s fire. Why? Because as 1st Peter 1:7Amplified Bible (AMP) reminds us, so that the genuineness of your faith, which is much more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested and purified by fire, may be found to result in [your] praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Can I encourage you to join me in this prayer?

Heavenly Father,
Lord as we wait for unanswered prayers, remind us Lord that you’re working the fields and getting everything together for when the harvest comes in. Oh Lord, remind us that harvesting takes time, and I pray we remember this when we’re waiting on answers from you. Restore us when we grow weary, encourage us when we grow faint. Lord for your timing is perfect and we always feel it’s late. Lord, how we love thee, as the bird’s chirp and sing your praises in the morning; oh that we would do the same. Fill us with understanding and knowledge of Your fruit. Remove all in us that says it isn’t possible, for we know all things are possible through you. Thank you, Jesus, for bending down and hearing our prayers, for always being with us through every circumstance we go through. Oh Praise your Holy Name!
 In Jesus Name…Amen.

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