Thanks so much for joining me today for a coffee break! For those of you wondering where Nana Holds is, it is once again on hold until He releases me to write more, and that is for reasons I am unable to explain at this time. I don’t want you to quit coming to our coffee hours because I truly enjoy sharing from my heart to yours. Grab your coffee and come on in.
So for the last several days my mom and I have been working incredibly hard on the conceptual editing of A Cup of Grace for the Day. Wow, I am truly excited for this “Cup” to come out. It is truly filled with a “pouring out,” if you will.
And the first page starts with the foreword! And that wasn’t written by me, but by one of CPM’s board members, aka, my former therapist, now friend and Blog Talk Radio co-host, Steve. So I thought I’d share it with you to give you a little peek inside of A Cup of Grace for the Day. I hope it speaks right to your heart!
The Cover!!!!
I read Evinda’s latest offering of her continued healing experiences
with God and understanding how He operates and the broken history she
brings, it was evident that she not only understands God’s way better
but His work in her. Nothing of itself has a life of its own. What does
that mean? Well, two people looking at the same piece of art can see two
completely different things. One says, “That’s a nice painting.” The
other is overcome by what they see in the painting. After the concert,
one says, “That was some pretty cool music.” Another is overwhelmed by
all the sounds and how the instrumentation went from simple woodwinds,
the powerful use of the brass, and how the strings came in and tied it
all together! But it’s the same painting, same composition."We bring to our walk with God equally, a set of eyes, ears, and heart. How does God help us to see and hear and feel Him more clearly, more deeply? For many of us, our life’s experiences cause a great deal of blindness and deafness to our own hearts and the heart of God. We become His child, and for years, we struggle to understand what He’s trying to say to us with His still, small voice. The noise and pain of our history block out His voice because we don’t know how to feel worthy of His words and His heart toward us. Evinda writes this book and chooses her examples and sees the story of the people she has chosen—Noah, Moses, David, and others—through the eyes God has been healing: the life, God’s life, which she presents through these characters and now relates to His work in their lives. She sees his moving more clearly because of the healing in her own life.
It’s funny how we have read the same passage of scripture many times, and all of a sudden, something deep and moving comes out of that passage. That’s grace. One definition she uses in this work is, “Goodwill of God toward us; good work of God in us.” Our part is the willingness to risk trusting our Heavenly Father to reveal Himself to us as He did to those who came before. Evinda wants all those who read this work to be convinced that all of us can be healed and used and valued as those we read about in His word.
In the book of Daniel, Nebuchadnessar, the king of Babylon, had a dream. It was disturbing to him and confusing. He ordered that his dream be made known and interpreted without revealing any part of the dream. If it did not happen, he would have all of his magicians, conjurers, and sorcerers killed. They told him, “There is not a man on earth who could declare the matter.” As time passed, the mandate applied to all wise men. This would include Daniel and his three friends. God revealed the dream to Daniel and the interpretation. Before revealing all of this to the king, Daniel wants to make something very clear to Nebuchadnessar: “This mystery has not been revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than in any other living man, but for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind.” God chooses the foolish to confound the wise. This is grace. All of Him; none of me. This work, A Cup of Grace, is a tool to assist you as He has Evinda to experience His life in you…by His grace.
Steve Atkinson
So, what did you think? Oh, I can't wait for you to hold this book in your hands! It's scheduled for release in April!
Join me tomorrow for our coffee hour . . .
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