It’s Friday the 14th, Valentines Day, and I left work extremely early today so that I could make it to the airport with hours to spare for my writing this week. Little did I know that there would be an additional two-hour delay! I’ve never had the privilege of enjoying the peace and quiet that sitting in an airport can provide. I’ve always been too busy at these places to take time to pray and talk to God. It is incredible how in the most desolate of places, God speaks to our hearts. Maybe it’s because I’m free from distractions of the world, or maybe it’s because I am now taking the time to listen?
This week has been a battle for me. I am a workaholic (I never thought I would say it!). God has gifted me with the capacity to work hard, just as He has for each one of you. But work often takes priority in my life and, in the process I inadvertently push away those who mean to the most to me - The Lord and my wife. I do it to myself. As I write this I’m reminded of the Israelites’ ultimate defiance in worshipping the heathen gods of their enemies- the Canaanites. The gods that we serve may not always be made of silver and gold…
The earthly gods of this world can take on the form of a bottle, drug addiction, a sought after career goal, monetary gain, or any other driving force that inhibits our growing relationship with Christ. The god I was serving was a god who convinced me that success in my career would make me a better man. Many men have this same perspective, since it’s our duty to provide for our household. But it wasn’t until recently that I realized God’s love for me is so immense, just as it is for each one of you, that he will sustain me and provide for EVERY need!
Through consistent prayer, I’m working on creating a healthy balance. My boss, who has been one of the most positive influences in my life and my amazing wife Kay, continue to fill me with encouragement. God knows I’m stubborn, but I continue to pray that God keeps my focus on Him.
As believers we are battling daily with the flesh, but as we grow in our own faith, God will continue to work through and among us. The gods of this world have no authority over us! May God grant each and every one of you with the ability to put away any distractions, or earthly gods that may cause a distanced fellowship with him.
In His Love,
Garrett Castro
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