I’m thankful that you have joined me these last several weeks in “A call to Sow.” My prayer has been that as you’ve read each week’s blog, you gained new insight. We know that God’s Word can be read over and over again and we always find something that speaks into our lives, His Word never grows old! Grab your favorite drink, and don’t forget your journal in hopes that your heart will be ready to reap what He has planted in you…. a seed of promise. Genesis 17 -22
When you see or hear the word “promise” what comes to mind? I know in my life promises have been made and kept and some promises, well….some certainly fall short of their assurances to me.
We read throughout history, God has been making "very great and precious promises" 2 Peter 1:4. I have always loved in God’s Word; The Seed Promise, of Abraham and Sarah being promised at 90: you’re going to have a child… and what a promise! Indeed, nothing’s too hard for God. It was part of God’s plan; "In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.” That seed promise was in Isaac. (Gen 22:18)
We also read in Genesis 22 that Abraham’s faith was deep-rooted in the promises of God.
Writing this last blog for this series, I had many thoughts that ran through my head yet I continued to come back to what I call “My promise,” my heart was moved to a time in my life where I too felt like Abraham in a spiritual sense. It was during this time that I felt life wasn’t fair and I reminded God of all the seeds planted in our years of ministry. Nevertheless I knew I had to release my selfish will and trust what He was doing was going to be far-reaching and far better than I ever imagined.
In 2004 our daughter and husband announced they were expecting their first child! What joy and excitement filled our hearts as doctors had told her in years past that she would never have children, yet by God’s plan she DID!! Just before her 3rd trimester she went into labor. During this time, many, including myself, were praying over our daughter that this precious baby would live and not die. Let me tell you, my human heart pleaded one way because it was so broken and overwhelmed…yet my spiritual heart implored His will, even though I knew the outcome would mean total trust in Him, and soon our grandson, Josiah was born.
His life here on earth was but for a few short moments yet at that instant God knew the effect this “faith seed” would accomplish for His Kingdom.
When we plant a garden, it’s by our faith in that seed that we believe what was planted will grow and produce. We can never see the visual effects as it’s germinating until that seed begins to grow.
God knew Abraham’s faith long before Isaac was born. When we follow the plans…procedures…the strategies of planting an earthly garden...we are promised a bountiful harvest. When we follow the plans that God has laid out for our lives, we will see a bountiful harvest...spiritually!
God can and often does work through ways that appear unlikely from a human perspective. Abraham’s faith was tried, as ours was that day. The story doesn’t end in sorrow. Soon after God saw fit for our daughter and husband to adopt two beautiful children, Abbagail and Ricky; we call them another “seed of faith”.
Had Abraham given into his flesh, God’s promises through Isaac would have not been fulfilled. We must trust that when it’s the right time to break up fallow ground -- when to plant, water, fertilize, and tend with tender care, and then wait until we see the seed of faith produce, -- soon a great bountiful fruitful harvest will be yielded.
We don’t always see what the seed is doing in the darkest depth of the ground yet in His word we are told by Paul, “And being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.” Romans 4:21
Continue to sow into others; you may never see the fruit of your “seed planting” nonetheless that doesn’t mean that God’s not at work. It’s in the unseen things we must trust and be faithful to...”A call to sow”.
Be blessed…and remember keep Him close to your heart!
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