Monday, April 20, 2015

Something to Celebrate

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Welcome to our Monday's Coffee Hour! Jenn's computer is on the fritz so we thought we'd use this day to share some exciting news with you!
Grab your coffee and come on in!
I am blown away at how God moves, His timing, His ability to take
nothing and turn it into something, which is exactly what He has done and continues to do with CPM and Trench Classes United. Almost five years ago, after completing my first book, purchasing a URL and paying for a website, I was told I needed to blog. I was stunned into
frustration! All I wanted was to write a book and get published. Oh,
if you could have been on my run the day He and I had this little
argument. Anyway, to make a long story short, and to give Him the
glory He so deserves, let me give you a brief chronological history of
this ministry that began with a book:

From a book to a blog, from a blog series entitled Loving the
Unlovable came requests to teach how to do what I had written about
(you know who you are and I hope you see how God used you!) in which
70+ people came! From one workshop came a dba, more workshops, and
then up the mountain to a non-profit corporation, hosting eight to
ten-week trench classes which help trenchers thrive IN life and love
and OUT of wounds, weaknesses and worries!

As I look back and see how despite me He used me, I can't help but
want to celebrate and give Him the glory He so deserves for making
something out of nothing, as He continues to take this ministry out to
places without borders all the while refining all of us who are
helping others thrive in life and love.

So it is with great joy that I say: Save the date, because you're all
invited to a huge celebration !
Postcard FINAL (FRONT)

Love and laughter,
IMG_8444-2 blog

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