Friday, April 3, 2015

Faith Filled Fridays From Croley’s Corner of Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” John 15:13
Good morning! Welcome to Faith filled Friday. I felt I needed to take a quick break from our gardening. Next week I’m hoping to conclude “A call to Sow”. We’re going to find an example in God’s Word of a couple who experienced seasons of waiting. And through their waiting and might I add a time of even questioning God… a seed produced...called Isaac, the Son of promise. Since it is Good Friday, I wanted to share with you today a different word from my grab your favorite drink and join me as we find in God’s Word the greatest act of love we can do for others.
I can’t help but go to the scriptures found in John 13 where Jesus knew that His hour was near; that He was close to departing from this world to return to His Father. The scene: Jesus is seated with His disciples and He begins to call them His friends, no longer servants. He goes on to tell them they were chosen and appointed to go and bear fruit. He then moved to the feet of each disciple, and began washing their feet. Here again, we find yet another act of love; it was not the final act love, nonetheless, an act of humility and complete humbleness of Jesus’ love.
When we’ve spent the day with our grandchildren and it’s time to go home, I find myself surrounded by their hugs and endless kisses. I figured to ease our departure I would kiss their little faces, their arms, their heads… and then say to them, “Now you have enough kisses to last you the week and when you need a kiss, well, just touch your face, your arms, your head and remember those kisses I gave you before I left.”
And as we drive away their voices can be heard, “We love you to infinity and beyond.” What a wonderful expression of their unselfish love towards us.
Jesus gave Himself selflessly to many while ministering here on earth. His is the greatest love that anyone could ever demonstrate toward mankind. He also knew that we could never fulfill the act of dying physically; however, He tells us that we are to give ourselves up for one another.
What could He be asking of you or requiring from you today? As we go into this Easter celebration, let us be reminded that His love towards us is as far as infinity and beyond.
My prayer for you is to ask Him to show you someone you could exchange in the act of washing their feet, and in doing so know it can and will release healing, forgiveness and reestablishing love.
Make this prayer personal as you pray with me: “Father, I am so thankful for Your undeserved love. Your love is limitless, merciful and full of grace towards me. Forgive me for my busy times that I have forgotten to look at those I call friends and love them even unto the washing of their feet. But then to do these things is also obedience done unto You as that example of love. You have taught me in Your Word to love greatly, to be obedient, and that I would be reminded of Your infinite love towards not only me but to others that you hold dear to Your own heart. You laid aside the privileges of deity and willingly to lay Your life down for me. Such an act of love goes beyond anything that I could ever do in return for you. So whenever I am tempted to doubt God's love for me, let me take a long, hard look at the greatest selfless act of love… of dying on the cross; therefore, our hope is that you have risen and are coming for a spotless Bride. Here I am, Lord; here I am!
Easter blessings
Debbie Croley Pic
Love, Debbie

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