Friday, June 23, 2017

Faith Filled Friday

I have noticed that over the last few years it has become increasingly difficult to write. Ten years ago, writing used to be much easier; I always could find the words that expressed my feelings. It was as if I was a waterfall of emotions, both good and bad.

In these last years I am not sure why I struggle so much. Perhaps writing has shifted from an expression to more of a fight against the silence? Might I write to combat the silence? To feel, to live, to breathe, to yearn for that waterfall to flow again despite the drought that overtook it?

I have started asking myself a question lately which I cannot seem to find the answer for. How can one love life so much and yet feel the passion slip away despite grasping and trying so hard to not let it go? So I have been asking for God's interjection to get my heart and mind networked again.

I don't believe I have a problem with the heart or maybe even the mind in this. I believe it’s more about the road in between, the one that connects the two together. Maybe it's the street signs along the way that I have missed? Or maybe it’s the pot holes I swerved to avoid and maybe lost my direction or directive. Maybe it's the mud slides of life that cover the road and I find myself waiting to travel between the two again. I will trust Him to show me the way to bring the two together, to network mind and soul. I believe that with God and connection to God, anything is attainable and quite possible. My faith will certainly hold the road...

I will not let the fray of life take me from my spirituality, nor my faith... Please God irrigate through these empty lines new and old passions to the place within me that is found wanting.

Only God can hydrate these parts of us. Are you experiencing a spiritual drought? Are you plugged into your source?  I pray that in the days to come, you and I would feel the hydration of God's love feeding our passions and helping us through and to the networking of mind and soul.


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