Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Your Heart Can Beat against You!
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word at Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power. Grab your coffee and your strand of faith. Trust me when I say that this Word definitely tied a knot in my faith…and in my heart!

Spiritual warfare is real! For weeks preceding our current trench class my heart has been heavy, and as we entered into this new trench, though I remain the main teacher, God has decided to take me back down in the trenches for more healing in a part of my life. The oppression has been incredibly real, which requires me to press in even harder, longer into my Jesus.

And when I do, one by one all of the silent questions I had been asking myself over the preceding weeks begin to surface, questions that planted seeds in my heart: 

Why is this so hard?” “If this was really of/from God, surely I wouldn’t be this stressed out so maybe – well more than maybe -- I’m on the wrong path.” “Maybe I made this whole crazy journey up. Maybe I’m supposed to just go back to working as a court reporter and forget this whole ministry thing.“Maybe since I’m having troubles of my own, I shouldn’t teach.”

Before long, I have filled my head with all sorts of negative thoughts, and it doesn’t take much time until my heart joined the party and had me buying them all as if they were truths. And then I began to “feel” these truths! What an incredibly sneaky process. The heart really can beat against you!

I love this truth that though whispered, cut through the dark with a bright ray of sunshine, filling my heart with hope:

God doesn’t call the perfect to any calling or ministry; He perfects those whom He calls!

The crazy part is how quiet the truth is. I wonder, does God whisper to me to quiet my brain so I can hear him?  Oh, no one knows me better than He does! But as soon as I get up and teach from the trench, all those lies fade into the atmosphere and disappear.
I just love how He ministers to us just the way we need it, when we need it for the reasons we need it! See, the heart only knows what we tell it so therefore, if we buy some lies and deposit them in there, the heart will take them, just like a thief, and deposit them into our emotional being and rob us of so much…so very much.

Are you catching what I’m throwing? Oh, let me tell you, Coffee Hour Friend, our hearts are quick to deposit every last one of those stinking-thinking thoughts we think, dropping them in there like a swooshed-in basket ball; nice and heavy they drop right in!  Before we realize what’s happening, our heart takes those lies to the bank, and robs us of all our joy, and strips us of our confidence in His purpose for our lives.

What sort of lies is your heart trying to get you to buy? Oh, that we wouldn’t even lend an ear to things that are not of Him, and not be fooled by the robber who waits to steal our joy and derail us from our calling. Instead, may we be a people that drop to their knees and give those lies up!
With my heart cleaned…

P.S. Join me Thursday for Coffee Hour Live and Step 10 to Loving the Unlovable at 10:00 PST

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